@existential potential,
- how to do things
- how to categorize
- how to know relevance from irrelevance
- how to improve
- how to avoid folly and repeated folly
- how to use your experience
- how to gain experience
- how to use the best tactic and strategy
What you speak of "moulding minds" is usually branwash or suggestion, which is direct appealing to the group think and flock instinct, describe by Sigmund Freud. People strong enough can see the relevance and irrelevance in bad teachings and are thereby less prone to be brainwashed/manipulated.
Children are inherently prone to brainwash/suggestion as they naturally will undergo a phase where they are open to being raised by their parents or other authorityt figures. Over time it will vane, and speciall as teens they will mature and raise conflicts.
Most will still have major areas where they are still weak towards suggestion/group think and flok instinct. Just look how the fashion industry with their powerful marketing can make people wear ugly cloth, buy useless junk ..just because it has good marketing backup.
So while we'r still able to learn, and be very superior in various diciplins of math, linguistic, althetics ..etc, we are still weak sheeps in others.