Wed 18 Aug, 2010 02:35 pm
My computer shuts off, usually when I am trying to log on. It will not run long enough to get on line. I hit the start button and it mostly shuts off when I hit the enter button, with the computer asking "Start Normally?" I just replaced the power source, but it did no good at all.
Aging computer?
We've got one. It's a pain it the tush. All sorts of errors. Saving up for a new one.
as i started reading, i was thinking power source, but as you replaced it, i'm stumped
One person suggested, on another web site, if that did not work, could be mother board.
Can you hear your fan running? You might be overheating. A simple thing to try would be vacuuming out the interior or starting up with the case open and a fan blowing on it. When you replaced the power supply, did you put in the same size or bigger? You might be over-taxing your power supply, especially if you have recently added hardware like a new card.
I cleaned the insides, including the fan.
I put the same size power source. It was the only one I found that matched. Besides, I have not added anything new. I will try what you said about running it with the case open and a fan blowing on it.
How old is your computer, Edgar?
I turned it on with the case open. The fan works.
Reyn, it is not all that old. It is far from new, however. Just don't recall when I bought it.
That's too bad. I think it's ridiculous as to what is considered to be an "old computer" these days.
Ours is about 7 years.
My computer is not as old as that.
Will Windows boot every time?
I think you need to re-install or repair your Windows. Your Operating System is damaged.
It shuts off before windows can boot.
Maybe its a hard drive issue (hardware problem). Perhaps you should take your hard drive out and get it attached to another computer to see if it's still readable.
ed, I've got a machine doing that, but I am pretty sure it's a virus or worm.
have not had the cash to drop it by my guys yet...
I had similar symptoms several years ago. It turned out to be a worm. Maybe you've got an updated version of the same thing.
I don't know about a worm or whatever. I have been running windows live one care and have had updates on automatic all the time.
Last night an EMachine rep told me to turn the computer on and tap one of the f keys until a page 3 opened, then press another f key to reset the computer on the factory settings, then press f10 to save. Didn't do a bit of good. As soon as I hit the enter button for logging on normal operation, it shuts down. Will not go in safety mode at all.
This probably won't work either, but if you have a startup disk, try booting on the startup disk. If this works, then it is likely not your hardware. If booting on a startup disk doesn't work, then that exonerates your operating system/software. If you don't have a boot disk, go
Thanks. I am at work just now. Will try later on.
CPU and power supply fans working? Does video card have a fan as well? Also wondering if a problem with the heat sink. Maybe a short in the cable. Maybe a problem with the keyboard. Maybe a problem with a sticking or defective start button. Maybe the motherboard. Maybe, but not likely, bad RAM. Maybe bad hard drive. Maybe, maybe....
Have you tried disconnecting all hardware devices attached to the computer before attempting to start?