Tuli Kupferberg Obituary
July 20th, 2010 “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?”
life turn out to be a dirty trick?” – T.K.
Tuli Kupferberg, Poet, Songwriter, Anarchist, Agnostic Jew -
Dies at 86
Born Norman or in Hebrew, Naphtali on Sept 28, 1923 (one day
and 22 years before me), poet, singer-songwriter, revolutionary,
publisher, street vendor, historian, mentor, sage, wise man and
wise guy, forward-thinking artist, activist, intellectual,
pacifist,anarchist, teacher, dreamer with a desire to
contribute his ideas for the construction of a better world,
boho and dear friend Tuli Kupferberg has gone on to wherever one
goes on Monday at N.Y. Downtown Hospital in Manhattan at the age
of 86 after a prolonged battle with Life and all its joys and
griefs, after suffering two debilitating strokes. Though never
really considering himself Beat he was anthologized as early as
1959 in Fred Mcdarrah’s The Beat Scene.
In the 1964 at age 40 he went on to become, in own his
words, ‘the world’s oldest rock star’ after co-founding the Fugs with
poet Ed Sanders, and then-member Ken Weaver. They were, in my
opinion the first poetry/folk-rock band and a definite precursor
of punk, bawdy and politically outspoken. Their first lp was
produced by the equally legendary Harry Smith on Broadside
and later re-issued on ESP along with their other lps. His first
solo record, No Deposit, No Return was also issued by ESP. At
the height of their career during the psychedelic era the group
was signed by the then co-owned Frank Sinatra label Reprise who
also signed Hendrix among others.