The judge handling Canadian Omar Khadr's trial at Guantanamo Bay has approved a 30-day delay in proceedings after Khadr's lawyer collapsed Thursday and had to be airlifted to the United States for medical treatment.
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Sun 31 Oct, 2010 07:07 pm
News Alert
Omar Khadr sentenced to 40 years by military panel
A U.S. military jury in Guantanamo, Cuba, has sentenced Canadian-born Omar Khadr to 40 years in prison after he pleaded guilty last Monday to five war crimes, including killing an American soldier in Afghanistan in July 2002. But because of a plea deal, his sentence will be capped at eight years.
I know. With the 8 years that he has already been in custody, it will be a total of 16 years locked up. Actually, this is more than some murder sentences with parole etc.