Thu 4 Dec, 2003 06:45 pm
I sought my first in starry skies,
Where shines the april sun;
My second came before my eyes,
And warmed me to be done.
'Tis very hard to lose ones sight;
I'm blind as bat or mole;
Once hills and fields were my delight,
Now I'm no more whole.
What am I?
I didn't think anyone would know this one.
I don't know to be honest. I've been looking at this one for a few months and have hit a brick wall. I'm not even sure this is the correct wording, or the whole thing, or whether it has an answer, (could be a poem?) Just posted it to see how many bites it got. Are well, I'll give it another week and then I'll go back to pondering on my own.
Hey Adrian, the quote below came from Voltaire, here's the original quote: I might not agree with everything you say, but I will fight to the death your right to say it
A suggestion (and I'm not sure because I really don't know much about guns)
I sought my first in starry skies,
Where shines the april sun;
Ram. The constellation most commonly associated with April.
My second came before my eyes,
And warned me to be done.
Line. As in, don't cross the line.
'Tis very hard to lose ones sight;
I'm blind as bat or mole;
Once hills and fields were my delight,
Now I'm no longer whole.
A Ramline is a type of stock on a hunting rifle - it does not include the sight on the gun, is not the whole gun, and is used in hills and fields .
Riddler, the quote is not Voltaire's. Most people seem to think it is though.
Eos, That was a very good attempt but you have changed a word. It is written as WARMED me to be done, not WARNED me to be done.
Right, but if you google this riddle, you'll find that every other version reads "warned" - which makes a lot more sense, too. Think you've got a typo.
I'm just guessing that it could be a 'cloud.'
Clouds do look forward to being in the night or daytime skies.
Once hills and fields were my delight,
Now I'm no more whole.
it probably rained
I rethought mine a bit and I came to the conclusion that it may be the moon.
I sought my first in starry skies,
(well, the moon comes out at night)
Where shines the april sun;
(the moon could come out at daytime too)
My second came before my eyes,
(The 'second' is a double. The sun and moon are quite similar.)
And warmed me to be done.
(The sun has quite a warming effect.)
'Tis very hard to lose ones sight;
(Damn, those things are huge. How could you not see them?)
I'm blind as bat or mole;
(The moon doesn't have eyes or life for that matter.)
Once hills and fields were my delight,
(Rising or setting maybe.)
Now I'm no more whole.
(Full-moon= whole; Half-moon= not complete; Cresent moon= definitely not whole; New moon= no moon)
Could someone put some input in here? I want to know if I was on the right track. I know you might not know but please respond.
Mhatte, nobody can tell you if you are on the right track, nobody seems to know the answer to this one
Adrian, where the *$%^& did you get this from?
I'm sure everyone's considered this, but I don't see why it couldn't be love. First of all, at first people romanticize about love. I can picture a little girl looking out into the stars and imagining her first love. Then the next experience she has is rejection (accepting the more popular "warned" over "warmed"). Thirdly, "love is blind." And last of all anyone who has experienced heartbreak can relate to the last lines.
The riddle is presented as a charade. My first, my second, my whole, so it can't be just love. The answer should consist of 1st+2nd.
You're wrong. People have first loves, and second loves.
No I'm not wrong. I have a different opinion. To me this is a classic charade, where you are given clues to the first part and to the second part which together make the (whole) answer.
You're wrong in saying it CAN NOT be love. If you had said "I don't think it is love" THAT is an opinion.

But I was rude in just saying "you're wrong." I'm sorry, I was just agry at something said in a different thread, so I was grumpy when I answered. Anyway, my answer does fit all of the requirements.
Love seemed like a reasonable attempt to me, I saw that answer given on another site acouple of weeks ago, but the stumbling block for me was not being able to make it gel with "once hills and fields were my delight"
I can relate to that. The first time I was in love everything seemed fun and beautiful, but after I got my heart broken nothing did for a while. I don't think that's the intended answer, but to me it fits all of the criteria.