I likely also stood for Joan Baez at the San Diego Sports arena, where she sang a capella, at one point - I'm not sure which song now.
Then there was Ray Charles, at the Shrine in '63 or early '64. We were in the top row in the whole place. I'm sure we stood because the whole rest of the place did (I think, or is that only wishful memory?)
The more questionable ones were at the small venues, where I saw Almeida and Szabo, where people didn't always or even often stand. The standing would have been short and sweet.
Now I'm remembering the San Francisco Mime Troup, who used to perform at the Fox Venice, mostly used as a movie theater, but hosting the Mime Troup every so often, always a terrific show with a lot of audience enthusiasm. I'm sure we stood for some of those shows, probably False Promises, and The Hotel Universe.
Not so much did I ever stand for most theater productions... I saw many small theater productions over about a five year period and was generally a tad crabby about them (actors kept making long speeches). One I might have stood at, I forget the name of to look up, a quiet sort of play that would more likely appeal to women. (duh, I'll remember it another day, perhaps the next time I talk to my ex). Another might have been Miguel Piniero's Short Eyes, sort of the opposite end of the spectrum, standing for the cast.