Fri 6 Aug, 2010 04:32 pm
for instance, i knew he saw dead people before i saw the sixth sense, didn't spoil my enjoyment one bit, and it's still one of my favourite films
i listened to an hour of spoiler filled radio the monday after inception came out, i knew there would be spoilers and i still listened, now when i do see the film, i already know some of the nagging questions folks left the film with and i can see if i figure out what they missed
so how about it, spoiler free or don't care
feel free to discuss films, books whatever
(i'm sure i've started a discussion like this before, but i'm too lazy to search)
Hi Dj!
I'm not really a tv person anymore - Too much drivel.
But a good movie I can really absorb. The depth of the spoiling matters a lot. If you know they all die or the hero is the villain, then it can be a bit pointless - It's just for the aesthetic pleasure then, which would bore me to tears.
But having a brief insight into the workings isn't such a bad thing - It can get you interested. A good trailer can often mislead too.
I watched 'Amistad' recently, and '2012'. The former was outstanding, the latter was crap.
Kind regards!
@mark noble,
i don't watch a lot of trailers, but the common complaint i hear from folks is that most of them are just the entire movie in miniature
as for 2012, i never expect much from that sort of film (thinking The Day After Tomorrow, yech), sometimes you get lucky and you get entertained, if nothing else
I love getting those "a-ha" jolts... not that many movies provide them, but I don't like having them taken away from me, no. Especially if it's important to the movie (some movies are more plot-driven, some are more character-driven or ambiance-driven or visually driven or whatever).
It's often enjoyable even with the spoiler but lacking access to an alternate universe, we can't know if it would have been MORE enjoyable without the spoiler. And I know there have been movies I've seen where a spoiler would've pissed me off mightily. (Pre-internet I'd just read trustworthy [non-spoiler] reviewers and say something if it came up in conversation. Post-internet it's really hard to avoid spoilers.)
For most of the time, I avoid spoilers as much as possible, if the film is one I am especially wanting to see.
I too enjoy in those aha moments. Obviously, the less I am inclined to see the movie, the less frustration exists for me when some thoughtless bloke spoils the film's main or subplot twists.
Obviously when it comes to non-fiction/history based or biopic based films, learning ahead of the time that a major character dies before the end of the film isn't really considered a spoiler.
Don't mind spoilers a bit. I usually start a book, get into it, read the ending, then go back to where I was

9 times out of 10.
Your statement of constant self~book~spoilage ,
Mame, make me sad like a dropped ice cream cone: