Here are a whole bunch of ideas -
I either bake or saute, though if I had a grill, I might use that.
Me, I'd cut off the head (that's my way), leave on the skin because I like it (see Dys' comment - but you can always just not eat it), put some olive oil in the pan (or, canola or..), put the fish in pan skin side down, dab the top of the fish with butter (yes, I like a little butter flavor), add some sort of ginger (I happen to have some pickled ginger, and often have some ginger root, or, worse comes to worse, powdered ginger), some (plenty of, since I like it), smashed up/chopped garlic cloves, maybe some squeezed lemon or lime, or, instead, some dribbles of soy sauce. Oh, and salt and pepper, less if using soy sauce. Uses pan juices for rice, or, to sop up with bread, or pour over fish.
Only slightly trickier, saute garlic and ginger in butter or butter and oil, then add the fish, salt and pepper, then, there ya go.