The John Kennedy Assassination - Who's who on the Grassy Knoll

Reply Sun 25 Jul, 2010 04:41 pm

911 was not the only outrage carried out in broad daylight on American soil..


The other was the killing of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dallas Texas, on 22 November 1963.


Lethal gunfire came from two directions on the GK, the red spot shows the location of the weapon fired from behind the picket fence some meters past the corner, positively identified as a "Short Sam" version of an AR 15 rifle,


In the super enhanced pic a la the Badgeman pic below that has disappeared from the internet, which also positively identifies the third tramp Charles Frederick Rogers as the gunman, the "pinwheel" pattern is where the flash dissipated thru the flash hider at the muzzle.


The figures behind the shooter are Martin Luther and Coretta King!

Download The Moorman Polaroid large file,


Then use the above negative image as a guide, search for the "pinwheel" pattern, then use photo enhancement software to enlarge and process the image to see the MLK's faces emerge, good software will show the raised foresight of the "Shorty" AR 15, and will positively identify Charles Frederick Rogers, the "third tramp" as the shooter!


As well shots were from within the Presidential limo.. as the limousine emerged from behind the freeway sign, the driver William Greer turned and looked over his right shoulder, he turned back and while holding the steering wheel with his left hand, retrieved something from under the dash with his right hand.

He then transferred the object in his right hand to his left hand, then turned his head back around to look at the President, and brought his left hand around his body and aimed and fired, what appeared to be a nickel plated .44 Cal revolver, at the President’s head.


Not counting shots fired from the roof of the Dal Tech Building, the jury is still out as to whether any firing came from the sixth floor of the TSBD!


Witnesses make the case for the Limousine Driver shooting JFK!

From Fred Newcomb and Perry Adams' book entitled "Murder from Within," © 1975 derived from original research done in Dallas in 1968 when the memories of witnesses were still fresh, Mr. Newcomb's book made the case for the limousine driver shooting JFK so well, that he sent copies to the 1975 Congress and Senate, believing he would be guilty of obstruction of justice" if he did not do so.

These are the witnesses whose statement to Mr. Newcomb and sometimes the Warren commission included the words "in the car."

1. Mary Moorman - school teacher standing next to Jean Hill. She said she saw Greer shooting back but thought he was shooting back at the assassin. SOURCE: Warren Commission and taped interview by Fred Newcomb.

2. Jean Hill - Jean Hill saw what happened too, but when she tried to bring up the subject of a gun being fired in the car, Senator Arlen Spector would change the subject or say "it's time for a cup of coffee."


Zapruder frame 298 shows that Mary Moorman, and Jean Hill in the red coat were the closest eye witnesses.. in this frame the President has already been hit by a shot believed to have been fired from the Dal Tech building, before Greer, Officer Joseph Smith and Charles Frederick Rogers fired!

3. Austin P. Miller - Texas Louisiana Freight Bureau, who stood on the railway overpass overlooking Elm Street was asked by Arlen Spector where the shots came from: His reply was "from right there in the car." Senator Spector just went on to the next question, never asking Miller any specifics. From: Warren Report, New York Times edition, p. 82.

4. Clinton J. Hill. Jacqueline Kennedy's bodyguard reports in Vol. II, pp 38-139 of the Warren Commission Volumes: "I jumped from the car, realizing that something was wrong, and ran to the presidential limousine. Just as I reached it, there was another sound. I think I described it in my statement as though someone was shooting a revolver into a hard object...it seemed to have some type of echho."

5. Hugh Betzner - Had picture published in Life magazine and was standing right next to the drivers side of the motorcade: He saw a gun in the hand of one of the secret service agents and heard a sound "like firecrackers going off in the car."Link to Betzner’s official statement: http://www.jfk-online.com/betzner.html

6. Senator Ralph Yarborough - 3rd car back Source: taped interview with Fred Newcomb. "Smelled gunpowder in the car." (statement made to press but not to Warren Commission) He was challenged by Newcomb on the phone and he then said "I must have smelled it coming down from the book depository."


This is the original pic taken that day, enhancement of the corner of the rotunda wall carried out by a supercomputer which scrutinized the Moorman Polaroid..


Revealed a uniformed figure believed to be Gordon H Arnold, talking into a hand held radio to this man believed to be Lucien Sarti..


A Corsican adventurer, accomplice of the so named Umbrella Man whose raised umbrella signaled the shooters, to Arnold's left a uniformed policeman wearing glasses, thought to be Dallas Police Officer Joseph Smith, fires a shotgun..


Cecil B de Mille, is the best guess for the identity of the figure wearing glasses with "Krusty the Clown" hair to his left.

Update: Cecil B de Mille died 21 January 1959, in Hollywood.


Left: Ed Hoffman, above: the Hoffmans in Dealey Plaza November 22 2003. The next figure seen in profile has the same shoulders as deaf mute Ed Hoffman who claims to have been there, the face looking over his right shoulder looks like his wife.


Charles Frederick Rogers a former US Navy enlisted man, is pictured behind the policeman in the Three Tramps pic above, the other tramps are E Howard Hunt of Watergate fame at the back wearing a hat, positively identified by his son St John Hunt..


"Around 1975 I saw a poster about who killed JFK, it had a picture of the three tramps, the guy in that picture was my dad," the taller one is Charles Harrelson, father of television actor Woody Harrelson.

Everette Howard Hunt, Jr. October 9, 1918 - January 23, 2007 was an American author and spy, he worked for the CIA and later the White House under President Richard Nixon, he along with G. Gordon Liddy and others, were the White House's "plumbers," a secret team of operatives charged with fixing "leaks".


Hunt, along with Liddy engineered the first Watergate burglary, in the ensuing Watergate Scandal, he was convicted of burglary, conspiracy, and wiretapping eventually serving 33 months in prison. Hunt joined the CIA in 1949, and became station chief in Mexico City in 1950, he and fellow rookie officer William F Buckley Jr worked within the Mexican student movement, Buckley and Hunt remained life long friends.

There is something about William F Buckley that says "Umbrella Man!"


William Frank Buckley Jr.November 24, 1925 – February 27, 2008, was an American conservative author and commentator, he founded the political magazine National Review in 1955,


He hosted 1429 episodes of the television show Firing Line from 1966 until 1999, he was a nationally syndicated newspaper columnist, whose writing style was famed for its erudition, wit and use of uncommon words.

Feedback says: Good coverage, my understanding of Howard Hunt's deathbed confession, was that the trigger man who was on the grassy knoll was a man named James Files ..have you researched this possibility?

Reply I believe that the whole James Files situ is a red herring designed to distract, notwithstanding the wickedness of Files, and that Wim Dankbaar and Jim Marrs are deliberately muddying the waters with this type of material.


The JFK debate is riddled with false flag websites and sham forums, Mr Dankbaar is a polite and co operative man, despite he has banned me from participating in his on line forum at jfkmurdersolved.com!

The same cannot be said of Marrs, whose deportment at Waco Texas in 1993 during the siege of Mount Carmel, that resulted in the deaths of as many as eighty eight Branch Davidians, was reprehensible.

Vernon Howell aka David Koresh had pleaded with the Press Corps for a fair hearing, the ATF had entered shooting, and he fired back in defense of his household, Marrs led the response which was mockery and chanting!
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Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2011 03:39 pm
The fake reflection over Roy's head is fake

Mary took her pic at zframe 309 and in it, the fake blob of white is entirely missing from Roy's head because it was added during alteration to cover the gun over Greer's shoulder. Connally's reflection is accurately depicted in both the pic and film for authenticity.
The fake reflection was NOT added to the nix or muchmore films. THERE IS NO OTHER SIDE TO THE TOP OF THE HEAD.
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Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2011 03:42 pm

Before me, the undersigned authority, on this the 22 day of November A.D. 1963 personally appeared Hugh William Betzner, Jr., Address 5922 Velasco, Dallas, Age 22 , Phone No. TA 7-9761
Deposes and says:
I was standing on Houston Street near the intersection of Elm Street. I took a picture of President Kennedy's car as it passed along Houston Street. I have an old camera. I looked down real quick and rolled the film to take the next picture. I then ran down to the corner of Elm andHouston [sic] Streets, this being the southwest corner. I was standing back from the corner and had to take the pictures through some of the crowd. I ran on down Elm a little more and President Kennedy's car was starting to go down the hill to the triple underpass. I was running trying to keep the President's car in my view and was winding my film as I ran. I was looking down at my camera to see the number of the film as I ran. I took another picture as the President's car was going down the hill on Elm Street. I started to wind my film again and I heard a loud noise. I thought that this noise was either a firecracker or a car had backfired. I looked up and it seemed like there was another loud noise in the matter of a few seconds. I looked down the street and I could see the President's car and another one and they looked like the cars were stopped. Then I saw a flash of pink like someone standing up and then sitting back down in the car. Then I ran around so I could look over the back of a monument and I either saw the following then or when I was sitting back down on the corner of Elm Street. I cannot remember exactly where I was when I saw the following: I heard at least two shots fired and I saw what looked like a firecracker going off in the president's car. My assumption for this was because I saw fragments going up in the air. I also saw a man in either the President's car or the car behind his and someone down in one of those cars pull out what looked like a rifle. I also remember seeing what looked like a nickel revolver in someone's hand in the President's car or somewhere immediately around his car. Then the President's car sped on under the underpass. Police and a lot of spectators started running up the hill on the opposite side of the street from me to a fence of wood. I assumed that was where the shot was fired from at that time. I kept watching the crowd. Then I came around the monument over to Main Street. I walked down toward where the President's car had stopped. I saw a Police Officer and some men in plain clothes. I don't know who they were. These Police Officers and the men in plain clothes were digging around in the dirt as if they were looking for a bullet. I walked back around the monument over to Elm Street where they were digging in the dirt. I went on across the street and up the embankment to where the fence is located. By this time almost all of the people had left. There were quite a few people down on the street and crowded around a motorcycle. I was looking around the fence as the rumor had spread that that was where the shot had come from. I started figuring where I was when I had taken the third picture and it seemed to me that the fence row would have been in the picture. I saw a group of men who looked like they might be officers and one of them turned out to be Deputy Sheriff Boone. I told him about the picture I had taken. Deputy Sheriff Boone contacted superiors and was told to bring me over to the Sheriff's Office. Deputy Sheriff Boone took my camera and asked me to wait. I waited in the Sheriff's Office and some time later, an hour or two, he brought my camera back and told me that as soon as they got through with the film and they were dry that they would give me the film. A little later he came in and gave me the negatives and told me that they were interested in a couple of pictures and implied that the negatives was all I was going to get back. To the best of my knowledge, this is all I know about this incident. /s/ Hugh William Betzner, Jr.
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Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2011 03:46 pm
Gifs have made the case against this goon, Greer, who was Kennedy's real assassin. Over and over and over an over we can see this killer slowing for only himself and then speeding off to Parkland.
Greer's left arm crosses over in nix film.
Enhanced and zoomed nix gif showing Greer's left arm crossing with headshot.
It's a brand new year that'll continue to expose this obvious truth to more people who are ignorant of the fact that the driver was jfk's real assassin.
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Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2011 03:20 pm
@Martin Timothy,
sylph;1059811445 wrote:
Not actually against your theory but at least give us a motive for each person in the car to make it more interesting.....Very Happy

Jackie would have wanted him dead for publically humiliating him with his tarts....
the others...paid off perhaps?

Then there's the mafia, the CIA and everyone else that wanted him dead....so not much of a conspiracy.

But if it was done openly in public like this, my point is, surely it would have been a spur of the moment murder...because otherwise it is the most ridiculous assassination idea ever.....in an open top car, get the passenger to kill him and the rest of us say it was a shooter in the hills.....but what about the crowds that will see it?

So yes, I get what you are saying, you think it was someone in the car...I get that. But why? What motive? And was it spur of the moment or deliberately planned?
Even if you don't know - just give me your theory, that's all I was asking...:rolleyes:

Jackie wasn't look at him, so she didn't see Greer shoot although she may have realized it but who knows. Connally saw Greer shoot jfk and took it to his grave. They didn't say anything because it was a massive cover-up. Just imagine the governor of TX going against the media and government in the 60's. A complete joke. Of course it was ridiculous and that's the very reason why millions of americans should know about it. So, they can laugh at how retarded government can really be when their arrogance allows such an epic blunder.

Connally said he saw the fatal shot and quickly corrected himself but his reaction when looking at Greer proves he slipped up. Watch him hit the floor in horror once he realized Greer shot Kennedy.

Obviously, at least the major wound that I took in the shoulder through the chest couldn't have been anything but the second shot. Obviously, it couldn't have been the third, because when the third shot was fired I was in a reclining position, and heard it, saw it and the effects of it, rather--I didn't see it, I saw the effects of it--so it obviously could not have been the third, and couldn't have been the first, in my judgment.
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Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2011 02:08 pm
@Martin Timothy,
Bulthompsn;9626276 wrote:
I stand by my initial research as to the major upper level players.

The inside the car shot in my opinion if accurate does not preclude an accidental discharge of the firearm.

I do not have instant recall at the moment but I seem to remember some vague accusations regarding the upper level people subbing inexperienced guys on the detail.

The shots from behind are a given. Also other shots in the plaza. The truth is always stranger than fiction.

In this scenario they had a "hit" in the back from long range. They had a hit from the front still. Also potentially from the front hitting the Governor. Both he and his wife swore until they day they died that shots came from the front. In the crossfire it would be understandable if the agent driving freaks out and pulls a revolver and attempts a shot to the rear. Ask yourself what would you do if you were in that drivers seat with a weapon at the ready?

Whether intentional or unintentional this scenario is supported by the actions afterward whereby the car is "wiped". If an agent was involved they HAD to cover that up immediately. I should clarify each participant AFTER the fact has no need to be "in on" the murder at all to cover up after the fact with zeal and complicity. Prevention of an open revolution, prevention of WWIII, general career CYA are all the potential unintended consequences if the truth gets out.

Greer shooting Kennedy by accident is a patently absurd theory but really is the only defense if Greer ever took the stand. He would admit to shooting jfk by accident in the commission of shooting back at the assassins and that explains why he lied about even seeing Kennedy let alone saying he turned only once. He died in 85. The buffoon's on the right.
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Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2011 08:47 am
@Martin Timothy,
yabaw, post: 67551 wrote:
So you cant explain it is the answer you're giving then?

You can't explain how JFK's head defy's physics by lurching forwards when the bullet impact hits. Instead you put your fingers in your ears, stamp your feet and act like a child. Name calling and using insults rather than debating the theories are how you want to go about things.

You can't explain how JFK's head 'could' defy physics by lurching forward when the bullet impact hits, then stops and changes direction, violently backwards.LOL You can't explain it because it's not possible and has never happened. Instead you put your fingers in your ears, stamp your feet and act like a child. Show us one headshot that shows what you are lying about. Goes forward, stops, then violently backward. You are a pathetic troll with nothing but bullshit. This man's head and body go forward from the shot to the back of the head. If jfk had been shot from the rear he would have went forward. These stupid posts of yours make you an idiot...Congrats.
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Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2011 07:45 am
@Martin Timothy,
Heads, post: 67690 wrote:
Just because people don't believe you, doesn't mean they are a troll.

No matter what any person thought they knew about his case, they now know for certain that Greer killed jfk by learning that the left hand coming off the wheel at frame 304 in Zapruder is fake.
His hand is really by his shoulder in this sequence.
Fake hand starts with two dots.
I am the first researcher on the planet who has proved Zfilm alteration by showing Greer's left arm crossing in nix.
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Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2011 01:46 pm
@Martin Timothy,
The only ss agent who shot back was Greer. He fired the fatal shot.

Testimony Of Mrs. Jean Lollis Hill

Mr. SPECTER - What occurred at the time of the fourth shot which you believe you heard?

Mrs. HILL - Well, at that time, of course, there was a pause and I took the other shots---about that time Mary grabbed me and was yelling and I had looked away from what was going on here and I thought, because I guess from the TV and movies, that it was Secret Service agents shooting back. To me, if somebody shoots at somebody they always shoot back and so I just thought that that's what it was and I thought, well, they are getting him and shooting back, you know; I didn't know.

Read her testimony. She heard three shots which are identifiable by known and agreed upon shots. The first shot missed. The single bullet myth is 2 shots. There's three right there and Mary's affadavit provides the last two close together. There were at least 5 shots.
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Reply Fri 8 Apr, 2011 10:58 am
@Martin Timothy,
biggabum;11193 wrote:
How do we know that it wasnt the nix film that was altered?

Also didnt mrs Hill say later in her statement that she thought she heard the shots coming from the grassy knoll? and she saw a man in brown that she assumed to be jack Ruby running away? (to be honest i just flicked through her statement and just picked up on a few bits).

Another question are you saying greer killed kennedy deliberately or accidently?

How do we know the sky isn't green on a sunny day? Because we know it's blue. Greer passing the gun before he turned the first time demonstrates premeditation. They wanted to shoot jfk up close and used Greer to insure success.
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Reply Sat 9 Apr, 2011 08:02 am
@Martin Timothy,
treeghost, post: 68020 wrote:
Here's a low resolution gif of the 'gun'...the driver's hand is at the right - you can even see his tie - so HOW can his hand (at the side) be crossing over his chest with a gun?
The gun is a light reflection.

No, you are trolling. Greer passes the gun in Zapruder and his left arm crosses over in Nix. The driver killed Kennedy beyond any and all doubt.
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Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2011 09:26 am
@Martin Timothy,
The great fake reflection footage that started it all in 7-09.

-The fake blob recoils and separates from Roy's head when Greer fires revolver.
-The fake hand coming off wheel begins with 2 dots.
-They both make eye contact after turning back straight.
-Kellerman raises hand signaling that Greer's gonna shoot back.
-The white lane (by driver's door) comes into focus just in time to blend in with the fake grey streak which mirrored Greer's arm crossing that's seen in the nix film.
-The fake grey streak is over his shoulder first and then across when it's needed.
-The fake forehead reflection replacing Greer's hand is the only one that cannot be independently proven fake without the nix film or other evidence.
-Kellerman moves his head forward, backward and forward again in 1 second in an attempt to block the gun's view from the north side of Elm street.
-Watch the driver's door when Greer turns to shoot back. Something appears beneath the white lane which is very likely the curb.
-Watch the top of Greer's head after he shoots jfk. He still had a reflection, so they darkened it to distract from the silly fakery on Roy's head.
Greer's arm crosses in nix, confirming the logical reasons for Zapruder film fakery.
YouTube - Jfk Assassination the limo driver theory Debunked
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