Quote:Possibly the strongest evidence for it to be a 'hollow ob-ject' comes from the fact that when meteors strike the Moon, the latter rings like a bell. More specifically when the Apollo crew in November 20, 1969 released the lunar module, after returning to the orbiter, the module impact with the Moon caused their seismic equipment to register a continuous reverberation like a bell for more than an hour. The same effect occurred with Apollo 13's third stage which caused the Moon to ring for over three hours. So what's going on with the Moon?
I am following your point, and I will attempt to explain the possible causes why the Moon behaves "differently" than our planet.
1)- Atmosphere.
a)- Our planet has an atmospheric pressure working hard against it.
b)- The Moon's atmosphere is almost unnoticeable, no hard pressure.
2)- Water.
a)- Water (over ground and underground) works as insulator, when absorbs a quake waves becoming water waves. You hit a drum filled with water and vibrations last much less than an empty drum.
b)- Underground spaces and canals in the Moon do not absorb the quake vibrations and these can last longer.
3)- Activity, geology.
a)- Earth still have internal activity causing continued motion of the dense fluid known as lava (molten rock) and that also works as an insulator absorbing vibrations. The presence of vegetation also holds the superficial cover of land, which can be compared as covering a bell with glued carpet, which will diminish vibrations with you ring the bell. Of course, the effect of vegetation is obviously minimum to the least, but is an addition to the former factors mentioned above.
b)- The Moon lacks of vegetation on its surface, and no signs of internal activity causing lava are recorded.
The theory of "hollow Moon hollow Earth" can't be taken seriously just by coincidences which can be explained as my attempts from above.
It is understood that there might be empty spaces in the interior of the Moon, perhaps from former fluids which dried up, evaporated, or other unknown causes which made them absent in today's Moon.
But, the idea of a body of such a magnitude as made by an unknown civilization is way out of science and is traveling in the path of imagination alone, a fantasy.