markgernot wrote:
I know what philosophy is but if every philosopher on this planet dropped dead it would have no effect on science. Scientists can do their own conceptual analysis. Conceptual analysis within science belongs to the history of science. Numerous scientists with no philosophical training have done this.
Psychology is a science don't you think? But that's a side track.
You are saying that no scientist needs a philosopher to, for example, measure the distance of the earth from the sun, and the size of the universe as a whole. But I mean, scientists don't just randomly measure things. People can't help but philosophize no matter their profession. I used that example because some scientists have said after measuring the size of various galaxies and such that it "shows how insignificant we are compared to the universe". Which is, I think, a bogus philosophical interpretation of their results.
Science isn't a vault of information that is gathered and stored, never to be talked about. The talking about may not be science per se, but it would be kind of pointless if we didn't don't you think?