At least in most US states, there is a requirement that students attend school for 180 days of the year (that is why they must make up unforeseen "snow days"). Summer breaks, however many months they may last, began so that students could help on the farm during the growing season.
kittenluver97 wrote:
shut up
dyslexia wrote:yeah djjd just shut the **** up, it's just this kind of tomfoolery that led me to put you ignore in the first place.
That was better than shooting him, or cutting him with an ax.
jgweed wrote:At least in most US states, there is a requirement that students attend school for 180 days of the year (that is why they must make up unforeseen "snow days"). Summer breaks, however many months they may last, began so that students could help on the farm during the growing season.
I remain
skeptical that government was ever invested with jurisdiction
to compel education against the will of students.