xris wrote:Ah so you are prepared to make statements but not defend them.
WHICH statements ?
xris wrote:In the interest of what I would say was your unchristian statements
but sensing your christian beliefs, I find it necessary to understand
your mindset.
1) I 'm not
representing Christianity.
2) I am representing libertarianism, Individualism n hedonism.
3) I 'm confident that many Christians have heterogeneous n disparate religious opinions.
I leave them undisturbed to their own beliefs.
xris wrote:If you dont want to defend your morality with that in mind,
all I can say is..how strange.
Y? What is strange about it ?
I do not hold myself out as an expert on Christianity.
In A2K, I am not carrying the flag for Christianity.
I don 't feel called upon to judge Christians as being good, bad or indifferent.
xris wrote:To widen the debate how do you think christians can have such views
when they say I dont give a dam about others problems?
doubt that Christians have a
UNIFIED point of vu.
I have never exegesized the merits of different Christian philosophies.