Render wrote:
What are some arguments against Hedonism?
(I could just search it, but it seems that there aren't enough new posts here and I also want to have a discussion.)
One important question (if you are going to discuss arguments either for or against, hedonism) is to say what hedonism is). Generally, it is the view that pleasure is the summum bonum, the ultimate standard by which the value of all other things are are valued. A question that rises right away is whether hedonism is the view that all pleasure is good, that only pleasure is good, or that all and only pleasure is good? And depending on what hedonism is taken to be, the arguments will vary. (1) Is all pleasure good? But are there no such things as evil or bad pleasures? For instance, the pleasure that Germans call
"schadenfreude" which is the pleasure a person may take when he sees another person in distress. Maybe a person he dislikes. Is that pleasure good? (2) Is
only pleasure good? Are there really no other good things besides pleasure? What about helping others in distress? One need not take any pleasure in doing so, but would that mean that helping others is not a good thing even if it is not pleasurable?
So, in order to discuss hedonism intelligently, you first have to try to understand what hedonism is, and then, depending on that, construct your arguments.