north wrote:
is not obvious that in order for any living thing we need the Universe to exist first ?
In this world,yes.
The order of creation is like a pyramid.
The base is the inanimate, The oldest and the most mass.
The second layer is the vegetative, younger and less mass than the inanimate. and feeds of the inanimate.
The 3rd layer of the pyramid is the animate, younger and less mass than the vegetative and feeds of the vegetative and to some extent the inanimate.
The 4th layer is the Human level, youger and less mass than the animate and feeds off the animate, vegeatative and inanimate levels.
The 5th layer is the tip of the pyramid and is the desire for Spirituality., younger and less mass than the Human level and it feeds of all the lower levels, but as its dealing in Spirituality it see's these lower levels as something different to how we perceive them in corporeality. It see's them more as desires.
For example, a rock equals a desire to stick together, a desire for unity.
Studying the whole of Creation as desires within us rather than looking at the physical expression of creation, helps us make much more sense of the Bible, which was written by Spiritual people, and we can see whats meant by such things as rape, pilage and murder.
This is how its openly described in Kabbalah, which only speaks of the spiritual interpretation of creation. And this is how its secretly understood in gnosis, by those who have an understanding of scripture.