Hey, back!
High five!
I've missed seeing my favourite weather guy around.
Saturday night live- repeat... Hey craven!
I just sent an email to littlek to tell her you're here. I hope she's awake!
HI ehbeth, TONIGHT'S FORECAST- Dark, with mostlty scattered light toward morning
OH! High five back atcha...
I haven't been here in awhile... What happened to the "Who's online link" ?
panzade wrote:Congrats Child! I know the feeling
It doesn't really deserve a congrats. I know much more complex songs, this one just excites me for some reason. Maybe it's the lack of sleep.
top of the page - home button
Hey Child just remember this: It ain't the complexity of the song, it's the passion that it evokes in you.
panzade wrote:Hey Child just remember this: It ain't the complexity of the song, it's the passion that it evokes in you.
Yes, yes, but I don't think a 6 chord song like wonderwall merits a congrats. I probably sound like a douchebag, but I really do appreciate the words of assistance. You any good at guitar?
Pink Floyd. . . dude, is that a flying pig I see? . . . wow, dude . . .
I've been playing bass , guitar and piano professionally for 25 years. I don't mean to sound patronizing, it's just that I've learned that passion is the most important aspect of any art. An artist that can convey their passion for their art will spark a similar feeling in the listener or beholder. In short, a three chord song can blow away a complex nine chord song if it's performed with feeling.
I'd say that is the song writing philosophy of Tenacious D, and they rock, so hard.
Ra-Do you call my name
brilliant mistake - elvis costello
A weekly FM radio program called "Breakfast With the Beatles"
Hey, Jose Cuervo! How ya been?
Most Emblematic by THE VINYL RIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
best band ever!!!!