'k....I'm back home.
I don't see drag queens, whether they are being paid for it, or if on the occassions they do it "for fun" at a party or event as dressing up like real women, but obvious parodies of women.
I've known, let's see.... 3 men that performed onstage in drag, I actually worked with one of them, a nurse, who only did it part time, weekend gigs. While I appreciate the amount of work it takes to apply the makeup well, get clothes to fit a certain way, I'm totally aware that this is just a man in a dress.
From my experience I think there's an element of um....unfriendliness.... toward women in the process of dressing in drag. The gross exaggeration is not flattering, nor do I think, is it meant to be.
I had a friend Bob who I was best buds with from around age 14 to around 25, when we just drifted apart. He moved to Fl when he was about 19, I followed a year later. Not because of him, but it was nice having a good friend already there. By this time he had come out (as if no one knew), and he was going through his gay bar hopping stage. I really didn't care about gay clubs one way or the other. I'd go with him because he would ask me. I do remember being called a fag hag, being ignored when I approached the bar for a drink, and being impaled on more than one occassion by some DQ's rapier wit. The more a guy was putting on a show of dressing in an effeminate manner, the more he'd seem to resent me. Hey, I'm not saying I didn't often have a good time, and I was aware it could be seen that I was invading someone's territory, but I wasn't anyone's fag hag or fish. I was just Bob's friend. His friend from back in the day when we'd ride our bikes to the beach together to play pinball.
On the other hand, you have someone who is in the process of transitioning. There is that overcompensation thing in that youtube video I posted. Not just in the manner of makeup, but in his/her gestures.
I guess that person was in his mid twenties, but he didn't act like women in their 20's do. I wish someone who wants to change their sex all the best, but the change isn't about exaggeration.
Drag queens don't really interest me. Someone who really feels it's their identity to dress as other than their gender does.
Apropos of nothing, I haven't put on a dress or skirt in more than 20 years. If I did, I would feel very weird and akward.