Do you think people are going a little too far and just jumping on the Cancel bandwagon without due thought? I think it's a phase, a trend... like the Oleanna movement in the 90s (and several others).
It may be an unpopular position but that's what I think.
I say: Calm down. You don't have to make everything about you and your culture. Sometimes it's just innocent or unintentional. Everyone feels entitled to get offended by any and every thing. I feel like saying, "Grow the bloody up!" That's not what was meant!
In that article, Corden even dissed some of his own country's food (haggis.... and a fish&chip smoothie). And what countries eat caterpillar or roaches? Some, but they weren't mentioned. And some of the items offered weren't cultural at all - hot sauce on a worm or eyeball, for example. And so what?
I was offered a fish head to suck on in Greece and politely declined. It's not something I want to do, thank you very much. My host just laughed and joyfully, gleefully sucked all the stuff out. I was grossed out just watching him. But he's used to it and I'm not. It's not like I won't or don't eat any other Greek food, just not that and not that way.
A recent Chinese immigrant neighbour refused a cheese sandwich offered by her neighbour. Guess what? The neighbour didn't know that some (most) Chinese don't eat cheese. Innocent mistake. But they didn't take it personally and 'cancel' the Chinese neighbour or vice versa.
Why are we going to such extremes to judge and 'cancel' each other out? What is wrong with us that we can't just shrug and say, "You do as you do and I do as I do" and just let it go?
I know I'm going to get vilified, judged, etc., by some, but I feel this has to be said.
And that's an honest question I'd love an answer to. And if you want to be polite about it, I'd appreciate it.