Where Did The Caucasian Come From ???

Reply Thu 11 Feb, 2010 05:29 pm
Let me tell you of your ancestor Noakh , Nuh , Noah , born in 1056 of Adam's Calendar , and the flood . Noakh , Nuh , Noah , rose up in the atms of the midwife named Zifa'a , And he was covered with an overshowing Anunnaqi from El Rabb , the Sustainer of Zodoq , righteousness . When he opened his eyes , a beam of light came forth , and it lit the whole tent like the sun . This light brought fear to whoever was present , He also spoke from the cradle . Lamech , father of Noakh , Nuh , Noah , thought that he might be a Jabaariyn , from the Nephileems .

His wife , Kamiylah , assured him that Noakh , Nuh , Noah , was his and her son only . As a child we looked after him , other children called him Strange because he always Cried during Sunlit Days and rejoiced when the clouds filled the sky . He , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , never knew why Water fell from his Eyes on the Sunlit Days . But he was to see that great day of cleaning a great fall of Water as the Water in his Eyes , The was our son , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , who was great amongst men , He was born from the seed of Lamech when he was 182 years of age . As a babe he Cried day and shadow hour . Yet , my Anunnaqi was with him .

He Lamech , was also called Malak , Malakan , and Lalay . Noakh , Nuh , Noah , was born 69 years after Adafa , Idriys , Enoch ascended to heaven . At his birth , Haylal cried with joy for victory over all mortals . All of his host celebrated . Their cries of joy could be heard from the sky to the depths of the sea , They awoke all the fish of the sea and our son , Zakar , Kadmon , Adam , soul cried for his sons . Victory is mine ! was the cry of Haylal , .. Zifa'a The Midwife Of Noah / Lamech , Son Of Methuselah / Kamiylah , Wife Of Lamech / Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , Son Of Lamech And Kamiyiah ,

For all Adamites have fallen to sin , And the whole Earth lives under Nanna , whose names was also Sin , Sin is the new light of the Earth . And now all men will be destroyed , yes I will have their souls . What a great time this is , '' And All The Animals Of The Earth , And The Birds Of The Sky And Even The Fish Of The Sea Cried For The Adamite's Soul . Crying for 40 days , and 40 shadow hours , Yet, in the midst of all the fires of the spirit of Haylal , these was a small spark of hope - a light , Zakar , Kadmon , Adam ,, Son Of Lamech , son of Methuselah , son of Adafa , Idriys , Enoch , son of Jared , son of Mahalaleel son of Kenan , son Adafa , Idriys , Enoch , son of Shayth , Shiyth , Seth , son of Zakar , Kadmon , Adam ,

He was the only mortal to cry with the animals of the Earth , and the birds of the sky , and the fish of the sea . He alone felt the pains of them , being the first mortal to eat fish and animal flesh . At the age of 13 , Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , ran away from his family into the woods , and there all the trees bowed to him , saying we have waited for you many years . Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , lived with them until he was 19 , and he had no friends to speak to , except for the trees , and the animals of the woods . He , Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , learned how to speak the language of the animals , and when he raised his voice , they all came to him .

He spoke to them about the fall of Enosites , and the Adamites . He lived in joy with them from the age of 13 , to the age of 19 , As the father of the animals they called him '' Ziu '' So unto the animals he , Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , was known as '' Ziu '' .Also Read Genesis 6 ; 9 - 10

( Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah Begins To Grow ) .
At the age of 20 , Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah who is also called Ziusudra , traveled also throughout the woods from vine to vine . Then he departed from the woods , to return to his own people , to teach them , About all that he had learned , Only to find that they called him '' a fool , While Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , slept , a son of Haylal paid him a visit and asked ; '' O apostle of A'lyun A'lyun El , do you know what is to come ? It was as this point in Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , life that he learned he was an apostle of A'lyun A'lyun El .

Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , said ; '' I don't . And a son of Haylal , said with a grin ; '' If you don't , nor do I , He laughed and flew away . Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , turned to a man that he knows , who was a good soul . named Baqssi , or Baqissi . And he asked ; '' O Baqssi , what is going to happen ? '' Baqssi said '' I will tell you , At that point he began to cough . This Was The First Time Any Mortal Had Made This Sound , Which sounded like thunder , to the ears of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , Then He , Baqssi Sneezed , This Was The First Time That Any Mortal Had Sneezed On The Physical Plane . Baqssi , Friend Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , This was like the wind of the storm . Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , asked him , being a wise man , '' what is that you are doing ,

He said ; this is your answer . You must find the light in them , From that day on Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , had a cold for 3 weeks . His eyes ran , his nose was stopped up , and he coughed and sneezed , But he did not know what it meant , Naama , Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , new found mate , laid Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , down to rest , And she covered him in mint leaves in his tent . She then covered him in lamb skin , And all his body was covered in water , perspiration , But he still did not know its neaning . From Then On , If Man Neglects His Body . He Will Become Ill .

When Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , recovered at the age of 500 , He went in unto his wife Naama and she bore him three sons at once , triples , And they called them Shem , Ham and Japheth , when Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , was 500 years old .

( The Triplets )
Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , took unto himself his wife's handmaid , Waala , And he went in unto her , and she gave him a son and called his name Raya , He was a playful son and Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , loved him deeply . But Waala was the kind of woman who always asked '' why this and why that ? Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , would say unto her ; '' O Waala , I need you to tie my tent right now ! And Waala would ask ; can't I do it later , O beloved husband ?

'' Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , would say to her ; Let Raya run with his brothers Shems , Ham and Japheth , And she , Waala , would want him to be by her side . So he , Raya , became the son of his mother , Waala , rather than the son of his father , Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , So now was the time for Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , to be called , And he was sent to a ruler name Zuhak , And his people in the land called Enoch to guide them , But they only laughed , and cheered at him . And they mocked the face veil that his and his son's wives wore .

They would pull their cloaks over their faces and point as Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , women and call them fool's . But Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , taught them from the hilltops to each tents . He yelled from the top of his voice to a whisper . But none of them listened , they only mocked him . The people , the Hurrians under the ruler Zuhak , were worshippers of Wad , Suwaa , Yaghooth , Nasr and many other man - made deities , It was

after all sorts of wicked and base acts that A'lyun A'lyun El , sent Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , to them , He was the first apostle to frighten people on the account of their infidelity , And the first messenger at whose request a nation was destroyed , And the first person who will , in the second creation . Waala , Wife Of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah / Raya , Son Of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , And Waala / Zuhak , The Ruler Who Wanted Untnafishtim Dead . Also Read Genesis 6 ; 9 - 10

( The Robe Of Prophecy )
When the stature of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , ability had been invested with the robe of prophecy , and El Shaadi , The Almighty had dispatched him to preach to the inhabitants of the world , He was engaged in guiding and directing them for 950 years . A small company accepted his words eventhough he suffered much persecution from the infidelity , Of those who turned back after having faith in him . He said ; '' my Creator , direct the people for they don't know , '' They called him a practitioner of sorcery and a madman . Once when he , Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , was preaching after his marriage to his third wife Mubiyna ,

Who was the sister of Fatwa , the wife of his brother Ala's , A prominent individual , named Baasir by name , went with him , He was only 150 days , old . He , Baasir , Commenced to admonish him saying ; '' My son ! Know that this fellow is a magus , magician and a liar , Take care , and don't abandon the faith of the ancestors , and don't be decoyed by his enticing words , Endeavor rather to distress him as much as possible , For this is the command of our fathers ''

During this insulting speech , Some men of this town found the wife of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , Mubiyna , in the field , These 6 men were sent by the ruler Zuhak , to kill Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , but they found instead his wife Mubiyna , sister of Fatwa , Who was the wife of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , brother Ala ,

( The Death Of Mubiyna )
But only after she killed 2 of them , Shaki and Rahdun , did she give her soul back to A'lyun A'lyun El . Shah , Khan , Huwlati and Burun , These 4 men went running to Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , to help him build the Ark , for they repented when the Anunnqi Izraa'El came for her , Mubiyna's soul , and cursed them , Saying , that when they die , he would leave their souls in their bodies to rot with it , When Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , found out what they had done unto his wife , Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , asked ; '' O Sustainer of all things , giver and taker of life , Will none of the progeny of this nation accept ? ''

Then the announcement came 100 years after Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , was 500 , In his 600th year , Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , went on to live for 900 years . The pen of the divine will have thus decreed , That none of the descendants of these wicked hearted people should profess the unity of El . Except those who already have faith . Man's wickedness is too great in the Earth , All he thinks to do is evil , All the thoughts of his heart is evil continually . He has killed my daughters , Mubiyna . He is nothing but a shedder of blood and a violent killer , As the Aluhum asked , And knew not , It is done ,

Now Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , was 500 years building this Ark , And he was great in age , Being that first man with wrinklets under his black eyes from a many sleepess shadow hours , whereas Methuselah had his wrinkles from his age being 969 years of age , waiting for the answer to his father , Adafa , Idriys , Enoch ascension from this plane to Malakuwt . Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , was short in stature and round in build , having a very sad face , For he cried more than any man . He Had Dark Skin With Very Thick Lips , And Black Wooly Hair . He was always dressed in white and all his women kept their faces covered from the sight of men after Mubiyna's death .

At 13 years old , the Anunnaqi gave him an ebony seed . After 40 years when he was 53 years old . It grew to full size . From it was the coffin to be made . This tree grew 100 feet in height . In which the body of Zakar , Kadmon , Adam ,was tobe laid until man found his way back to the garden in Malakuwt , At which time he is to be buried there , Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , never wore sandals , he was always barefoot , He loved to walk and he always cried as he walked from place to place . Naama Wife Of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah / Shem , Son Of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah And Naama / Japeth Son Of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah And Naama ,

( Those Who Worked In The Way Of El )
Now these are the sons and Wives of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , Those that would be saved with Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah and his mate Naama , Shem , and his mate Faatin . Ham , and his mate Haliyma , Japheth , and his mate Ifat , Raya , who never had a wife played with the unicorn and drowned in the great fall of water from the heaven . And from Shem we get Arphaxad , And from his son we get Salah and from his sons we get Eber , And from his sons we get Thamud , and from his son we get Peleg , And from his son we get Reu ,

and from his son we get Serug , And from his son we get Nahor , and from his sons , We get Terah , You came from him , my friend Abraham , And from Ham and Haliyma we get Cush , Whose mate was Nuballa , And from them we get Nube the pure , Whose mate was called Sauda . And from Japheth and his wife Ifat , we get . Gomer , Magog , Madai , Yawan , Tubal , Mashech , Tiats , and from their sons we get Chin , Turk , Kharz , Baraj , Manshaj , and Rus . Now these are the Souls of those to be saved in the great fall of water from the sky . Mubiyna Wife Of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah / Ala , Brother Of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , Fatwa , Sister Of Mubiyna / Bassir , Friend Of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah ,
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Reply Thu 11 Feb, 2010 05:30 pm
And twenty of the 200 Garubaat returned after the deluge to Earth to rebuild their city of Nod , and it was called Sodom , And the mate of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , Waala , mother of Raya , also died in the great fall of water from the sky . Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , is also called '' Bushkur '' and some called him '' Adam '' , the second time . And Ziusudra , he is exceedingly wise or Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , but his name was Naahmasuliyi and Niham , The was Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , a good man on Earth and a good man in the heavens . Now you must build a craft to save your family , we commanded Utnafishtim ,

Noakh , Nuh , Noah , We left Plows , Pruning Shears and all the tools that he taught men to use , being a great farmer . And he was the founder of many great things grown on Earth . When Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , son of Lamech , son of Methuselah , son of Adafa , Idriys , Enoch , son of Jared , son of Mahalaleel , son of Cainan son of Enos , son of Shayth , Shiyth , Seth , Son of Zakar , Kadmon , Adam ,was 600 years old in 1656 of the time of Zakar , Kadmon , Adam , A dramatic event occurred .

( The Beginning Of Flood )
It was the second day of the second mouth in the hour of Ast , that the deluge , flood began , Within 40 days and 40 shadow hours , About 17 , 022 feet of water covered the ground outside the Ark . The highest mountain tops were covered and all life , Except what existed in the water which was outside of the Ark , perished . The great deluge did not come from the cloud as the waters of rain , Instead it came from the canopy of water that surrounded the Earth . This canopy , it you recall , Came from the heavy vapors that encircled the young planes .

The other rings that had fallen earlier in creation , bad cooled the planet . And formed lakes and rives . With the falling of the canopy in the time of Utnafishtim ,Noakh , Nuh , Noah , more warmth and sunligh was permitted in the face of the Earth . The flood , meaning the outpouring of water upon the Earth , lasted for 40 days and 40 shadow hours , However , Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , pleaded for him and his family to be saved .

His sons took him wives from the disagreeable seed of the people of Nod . Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , son of Lamech and Kamiylah , son of Methuselah , son of Adafa , Idriys , Enoch , and Taaliba , son of Jared and Afifah , also called Silham Son of Mahalaleel and Zainab , also called Hannah , son of Cainan and Jamilat , also called Leah , Son of Enos and Aqilat , also called Bashiyra , son of Shayth , Shiyth , Seth , and Aqlimiyah , son of Zakar , Kadmon , Adam and Nekaybaw , Had to remain in the Ark for an entire year ,

It took that long for the water on the Earth to dry up . Thus , in the year 1657 of Zakar , Kadmon , Adam's , time , the family of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , son of Lamech and Kamiylah , Son of Methushelah and Sa'at , also called Na'iyla , Son of Adafa , Idriys , Enoch , and Taaliba , Son of Jared and Afifah , son of Mahalalee and Zainah , Son of Cainan and Jamiylah , son of Enos and Aqilat . Son of Shayth , Shiyth , Seth , and Aqlimiyah ,

son of Zakar , Kadmon , Adam , And Eve , Nekaybaw , disembarked , These Aluhum are the descendants of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , Who were to become of the Zodoq , priesthood , trustworthy and perfect in all of his genealogy , And Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , spent his time in the company of the Agreeable Anunnaqi , And Naamah '' she who sleeps , The confidante , wife of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , , gave birth to triplet children named ; Shem '' he who is of the rocketship , '' Ham '' burn , blackness '

' And Japheth '' he who added on '' And everybody else in the Earth was going to ruin in the presence of the Anunnaqi . And they all were filled with nothing but violence . And the Anunnaqi took a good look at the planet Earth , And saw that it was in a state of total ruin , And all those born in the flesh had become evil , Disagreeable and wasn't following Yahuwa's commandments , And the Anunnaqi said to Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , The end has come for all being of the flesh , Because the planet Earth is now filled with Violence .

In the presence of the holy ones . I Will Wipe Out All Of Those Born In Flesh From The Planet Earth .Also Read Genesis 6 ; 5 - 22 , So Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , pleaded for him and his family and the Anunnaqi , Enqi Suggested that he build a Craft for himself of timber trees with compartments , And cover it both on the inside and the outside with Tar . This is exactly how big it should be made , The length of the Craft should be 450 feet long , The width of it was 75 feet wide ,

And the height of it , 45 feet high . Put a window in the Craft , You should finish it and make a door - Up - high up for the Craft . You should put inside of it a Lower Level , A Second And A Third Level . Because , I , Yahuwa , yes . I , myself am going to bring a flood of waters upon the planet Earth . To wipe out all flesh in which my divine soul lives . Everything under the skies that is on the planet Earth will perish . But I am going to make an agreeament to you and with

your immediate family . For they will be allowed to enter the Crafts , along with 80 other people . That is only your confidante , wife Naamah , your children and their confidanters wifes . Also , take from every living thing cells . Wifes like yourself and your wife for future reproduction unto the Craft . also , and keep them alive . of the species , of birds , And of all non - speaking mammals after their own species , Of every reptile and of their species , You are responsible for keeping , these cells all alive ,

Make sure you take enough food for yourself to eat , And this is what you should eat during the stay in the Craft . Yahuwa said to Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , bring yourself and your whole house into the Craft . For I have seen you act as a Zodoqite , Righteous one right in front of my face in this this genealogy , You Are To Take 7 Of Every Clean Non - Speaking Mammal For Food , The Male Living Beings And The Female Living Beings , And Of The Non - Speaking Mammals Genus Homo , Homo Erectus , And Shaggies That Are Not Clean For Food . Take Sets Of 2 , The Male Living Beings And The Female Living Beings . Also , Of The Birds Of The Skies Take Them By Sevents ,

The Zakarites and the Nekaybawites to keep the seed alive on the face of all the planet Earth . Seven days from now , I will make it rain on the planet Earth for 40 days and 40 shadow hours .
And Every Living Being That I Have Fashioned I Will Ruin And Remove From Off The Surface Of The Planet Earth . And Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , fashioned things according to all that Yahuwa of the Aluhum Enqi commanded him . Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , was 600 years old when the flood of waters covered the land of Sumer and the whole planet Earth . And Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , went into the Ship , he and his children , who lived in the land of Sumer .
Reply Thu 11 Feb, 2010 05:32 pm
Shem '' ge who is of the rocketship , named , '' Ham '' burnt blackskin '' , Japheth '' he who added on '' . And his wife Naamah '' she who sleeps '' . And his son's wives , Faatin '' little girl '' Haliyma '' clement '' And Ifat '' virtue , chastity '' all went with him . They went into the Craft because of the water from the flood . All of the non - speaking mammals clean for food , All of the non - speaking mammals unclean for food , All of the non - speaking mammals Genus Homo , Homo Erectus , Shaggies , and birds , and every kind of creeping things of the planet Earth went into the Craft in pairs with Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah .

The Zakarites and the Nekaybawites , Just as the Anunnaqi had conveyed the commands . And the waters of the flood came 7 days laters on the planet Earth . In the 600th year of the life of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , In the second month the 17th dayof the month . On that very same day all the fountains of the Rabb , Sustainer and of deep sea , Tiamat in the planet Earth broke open , And poured up water and the windoms of the sky , up there , where there is water also opened .

And rain was upon the planet Earth for 49 days and 40 shadow hours . In that same day Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , and Shem '' he who is of the rocketship , named , Ham '' burnt blackskin '' and Japheth '' he who added on , '' Fastin , Wife Of Shem / Ifat , Wife Of Japheth / Nuballa , Wife Of Cush / Nuba , Son Of Cush And Nubaaah / Sauda , Wife Of Nuba.... The children of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , and Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , confidante , wife Naamah '' she who sleep , And the three son's wives Faatin '' little girl , Haliyma '' clement '' who was with child and And Ifat '' virtue , chastity '' with them and they all went into the Craft .

And they had with them every kind of living animal after its own kind its genes , And all the non - speaking mammals after its own kind in its genes . And all kinds of creeping things that swarm on the planet Earth after its kind and its genes , And all kinds of birds of every sort . And they all went into the Craft with Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , in two's . And 2 of every living animals with skin , wherein there is a soul of every living human animal . And as they all went in , the Zakarites and the Nekaybawites of skin . Just as the Anunnaqi had conveyed it to him . And Yahuwa shut him in .

Also Read Genesis Chapter Seven And the flood lasted for 40 days upon the planet Earth . And the waters increased , and the Craft rose up and it flew And it was lifted up above the planet Earth . The waters became deeper, and increased upon the planet Earth ; And the Craft first went about upon the surface of the waters . And the water became so deep and exceedingly great upon the planet Earth ; And all the highest Mountains under it beneath the skies , they were covered . The water were 25 feet above the mountains , and they were covered .

Everything with skin that moved about on the surface of the planet Earth perished . Both the birds , and the non - speaking mammals , Genus Homo , Homo Erectus Shaggies , and the living animal , And every creeping thing that creep upon the planet Earth , And every Adamite Homo -Sapiens , Everything in whose nostrils was the breath of divine life , of all kind that was in the desert , died , Every being was destroyed who was upon the surface of the planet of Adamites , Both the Adamites Homo -Sapiens , . the non - speaking mammals , Genus Homo , Homo Erectus . Shaggies , and the creeping things , Reptiles , and the bird of the skies , And they were destroyed from the planet Earth .

And Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , alone remained , and those that were with him in the Craft . The waters lasted for 150 days , And the Anunnaqi remember Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , and all of the living things And all of the non - speaking mammals that was with him in the Craft . And Anunnaqi made by his soul a wind to blow and pass over the planet Earth and the water decreased . And the fountains also of the deep sea , Tiamat , And the windows of there , Where there is water ,

Were stopped and the rain from up there where there in water was kept back . And the waters returned from that part of the planet Earth , And it took 150 days and the waters were kept back . And the Craft rested downward landed on the 17th day of the 17th month upon the mountain of Ararat , for a great Craft in the sky had lifted it from the water that it hovered above the surface of the water .When it was over it lowered the Craft downward that it may rest upon the water again . And the waters eventually Stopped on the first day of the tenth month . And the tops of the mountains became seen ,

And at the end of 40th days Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , opened the window of the Craft which he had fashioned . And he sent out a Raven which went forth and returned , Until the waters were completely gone . So also he sent out a Dove to see if the waters had gone down . But the Dove did not find any place to settle down for the sole of her foot , And she returned to him in the Craft , because the waters were still all over the surface of the planet Earth . Then Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , put forth his hand , And took her and pulled her into the Craft .

So Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , waited another seven days and again he sent the Dove out of the Craft . And the Dove came back in to him Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , in the dusk , And in her mouth there was an olive leaf freshly picked , So Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , knew that the waters had withdrawn from off the surface of the planet Earth . And Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , waited another 7 days and sent the Dove out again and it did not return to him anymore . And when Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , was 601 years old on the first day of the first month ,

All the waters had gone from off the surface of the planet Earth . And Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , removed the covering of the Craft , And looked , and saw , the surface of where the Adamite Homo -Sapiens lived and it was dry , By the 27th day of the second month the planet Earth was completely dry . And the Aluhum , the Anunnaqi spoke to Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , Saying , Go out of the Craft , you and your wife Naama '' she who sleeps , And your children , Shem . Ham and Japheth , And your children's mates Faatin .

Haliyma with her newly born son Canaan , and Ifat with them , Take out with you , all the living things that is with you , of skin , both bird , And of non - speaking mammals , of every creeping thing that creeps upon the planet Earth , And be fruitful , And become many upon the planet Earth . So Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah ,went out and his children Shem , He who is of the rocketship named , Ham '' burn blackskin , '' Japheth '' he who added on '' . And his confidante , wife , Naama and his children's confidante wife Faatin , Haliyma and Ifat with him .

All of the beast of every creeping things and every bird , And whatsoever creeps upon the planet Earth , after its species and its kind went out of the Craft . And Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , built an Altar to Yahuwa , And took one of each clean species for food animals , And clean for food birds , And went up on it be raised up on the Altar , And Yahuwa smelled a soothing aroma of the feast being cooked by Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , And Yahuwa said in his heart , I will never again smite the Adamites , Homo -Sapients , Never again because of what was fashioned in an Adamite's heart , Of disagreeable things from his earlier life .

Nor will I ever again smite everything living as I have done . As long as the planet Earth remained , offspring and harvest . And cold and hot , summer and winter , and day and shadow hours will not stop . And the Anunnaqi blessed Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , So that they would not have to work the mines and said to Them , They same ass they said to the other Zakar , Kadmon , Adam , be fruitful , And multiply , and refill the planet Earth .

And all the living animals of the planet Earth will fear you Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , All the birds of the skies . And all that moves about the Adamites , Homo Sapiens of the ground . And all the fishes of the sea in your hands . And under your power they are appointed . All of the living animals moving about are good for constuption as food now for you . Even as the vegetation , and herbs were originally appointed to you as food . But those skins that have living spirits there in it .

Which still have blood clots in it , You are not to consume of its flesh . To shed your own blood to kill each other's living spirit of Adamites , Homo Sapiens will be punished . I will punish with my hands all living animals who will kill Adamites , Their own brother Adamites , Who ever kill Adamites , Homo -Sapien by shedding his blood , That is by other Adamites will his own blood be shed , Because Adamites were fashioned in the image of the Anunnaqi .

And You Are To Be Fruitful And Multiply ; And Bring Forth Abundantly In The Planet Earth And Multiply Therein . Anunnaqi said to Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah and to his children who were with him saying . And I , looked , Also Read Genesis Chapter Eight and I considered that I will establish my covernant with you all , And with your seed after you , all , And with every living spirit which is with you all , Adamites and Enosites Homo Sapiens ,

The Fowls , the non - speaking mammals , cattlers , And every non domestic animal of the planet Earth with you all , From all that go out from the Craft , to every animal of the planet Earth . And I Will Establish My Convenant With You All . Neither Shall All Those In Skin Be Cut Off Again From The Water Of The Flood . And There Shalt Not Be Another Flood To Destroy The Planet Earth . And the Anunnaqi said , this is the distinguishing mark of the covenant , Which I make between me and you and all of the living spirits , Which is with you all for

generations . I set my bow around the around ship Nibiru in the clouds , And it will be as a distinguishing mark of the covenant between me and the planet Earth . And in time to come , when I being a cloud over the planet Earth , That the bow shaped ship will be seen in the clouds , skies . I will remember my covenant , Which is between me and you , all and every living spirit of all beings in skin . And the water will not come again to destroy all those beings in skin ,

And the round ship shaped like a bow , Nibiru , will be in the clouds , skins , And between every living spirit of all those beings in skin , That is upon the planet Earth . And the Anunnaqi said to Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , This is the covenant of the covenant which I have established me . And all those in skin which are upon the planet Earth . And the children of Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , those going out from the Craft , were Shem , Ham , and Japheth , And Ham is the Father Of Canaan '' Lowlander '' Who Was Born In The Craft An Albino With Leprosy , Also Read Leviticus Chapter's 13 & 14 ,

Three Elohs were the sons from Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , And of them was all the Planet Earth scattered . And Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , being one of the first farmers , defiled himself to become a human being of the Adamites , Homo Sapiens and planted a Vineyard . He Gather The Grapes From His Vineyard , Made Some Wine And Drank It , He Did Not Know The Effects The Wine Would Have On Hime .
Reply Thu 11 Feb, 2010 05:33 pm
And He Drank The Wine , And Became Drunk And He Undressed And Was Naked In The Middle Of His Tabernacle . Besides what you have been taught , the story of Genesis 9 ; 18 was a prelude to the event of the flood . They are logging the inciedent that really took place after the flood , before it actually place . The Vineyard was planted before Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , and his family went on the Craft , And this is seenin the mere fact that the Dove was able to find an Olive Leaf after the flood .

The Bible makes the mistake of giving the Impression that Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , cap out of the Craft , or Ark and he immediately planted a Vineyard and drank from it on the instance . However the Bible leaves a very important element out , and that is Time . It Takes Time And Years For A Vineyard To Grow , And Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , Planted This Vineyard Before He Went On The Craft , Before The Birth Of Canaan . And He Drunk The Wine From The Grapes Of The Vine And Became Drunk , And Laid In His Tent Naked .

And Ham , the father of Canaan '' lowlander '' the Albino saw , the nudity of his father Utnafishtim , Noakh , Nuh , Noah , And made it known to his other two brothers outside of the tabernacle . And Shem , And Japheth took the outer mantle of dress , And place it upon their shoulder and went backward and covered the Nudity of their father . And their faces were backward and they did not see their father's Nudity .

And Utnafishtim Noakh , Nuh , Noah Awoke From His Wine Drunkenness , And Knew That Whic His Youngerest Child Had Done To Him , And He , Utnafishtim Noakh , Nuh , so of Lamech , which means '' overthrower , a strong young man '' said to Ham The curse will be upon your son Canaan the Albino , A slave , Abd , workers or slaves Lulu Amelu , He will be to his brothers the Shemites and Japhethites , The Non Albinos . And he , Utnafishtim Noakh , Nuh , said bless is he , Yahuwa who is of the Anunnaqi of Shem , And Canaan will be his slave worker , For the Albinos were to become the slaves of the non - Albinos . The Anunnaqi will enlarge Japheth And he will live in the tabernacle of Shem , and Canaan will be his slave , abd , workers , Albinos will work for Non - Albinos . Also Read Genesis Chapter Nine

( The Science Of The Curse 19 x 5 = 95 )
Lo ! Ham , the son ofUtnafishtim , Noakh Nuh , Noah , allowed his countenance to drop and was in a weak state after the argument he just had with his wife Haliyma , daughter of Anis and Shakar .
Verse 2 . It was easy for the devil to possess him in his weak state of mind . Thus Ibliys sent one of his disagreeable beings in the form of Anak , the queen of Nod to Ham and possessed him .
Verse 3 . Ham while in his father's tent , Mocked his father's Nakedness , then he looked upon the Nakeness of his father with the thought of Sexuality and Fornication .
Verse 4 . Yet , he did not lay with his father Although Ham was not acting on his Own Will , he still Violated the Laws of Anu , The Most High .
Verse 5 . These feeling of Sexuality and Fornication existed before the time of the flood with the Hindu's , who came from Nirvana .

Verse 6 . After Ham had opened himself up by having an argument with his wife Haliyma , he allowed Anak , the Queen of the disagreeble Aluhum to possess him .
Verse 7 . When ofUtnafishtim , Noakh Nuh , Noah , awoke from his sleep , he knew immediately what his son had done to him .
Verse 8 . Therefore , he place a Curse on Ham's Fourth son , who was called Libana , or Canaan in the Bible .
Verse 9 . The Curse was not put on Ham , as many are lead to believe , but on his fourth son Libana .
Verse 10 .Utnafishtim , Noakh Nuh , Noah, told Ham the Curse will be upon youe son Canaan '' who was originally named Libana by his parents Ham and Haliyma at his 8th day birth ceremony in which a child receives their name .

Verse 11 . Libana's name was later change to Canaan by Flugelrods when he moved up from the lowland to the Caves .
Verse 12 . The Curse was placed upon Libana , Canaan until the day of judgement .
Verse 13 . The physical Curse meat that a race of beings would manifest in the physical with the spirit of the Demons , This race of being , Lepers didn't manifest until the birth of Libana .
Verse 14 . He was named Libana because he was Pale and White like Snow , later he was called Canaan , the grandson of ofUtnafishtim , Noakh Nuh , Noah .
Verse 15 . As you've seen , the formation of some of the Caucasians are a result of the Physical Curse , Leprosy that was placed on Libana .

Verse 16 . However , not all the Caucasians came from Leprosy .
Verse 17 . You have Three Type Of Caucasians and they are ; Blonde hair , Blue , eyes Red hair , Green eyes ; and Dark hair , Dark eyes .
Verse 18 . This Curse that was placed on Libana , Canaan was also a Genetic One which means that it took place in the Genes Of Man .
Verse 19 . This was the Removal of his Melanin , which cut off his family ties with the Anunnaqi Aluhum .
Verse 20 . This is A Genetic Disorder called Albinism . For a person to be born with Albinism , both parents must be Albinos . It affects One out of every several Thousand Human and other animals .

Verse 21 . This is because both parents do not possess any of the Dominant Genes .
Verse 22 . The Scince of Heredity in Human Genetic explores the Transmission of Parents to their Offspring .
Verse 23 . The basic units in the complex process are called Genes , and these make up the Chromosome .
Verse 24 . The basic Chemical of the Gene , D.N.A. Deoxyribonucleic Acid , enables the Dene to carry all the information of Heredity .
Verse 25 . The Chromosome occur in pairs Normally , each of us have 23 Pairs of
Chromosome .

Verse 26 . The ''Sex Chromosomes'' carry Genes that determine the other Characteristics ; because these others are on the ''Sex Chromosomes'' , the Characteristics ; they determine are called Sex - Linked Characteristics .
Verse 27 . Libana , Canaan became an Albino because both of his parents had recessive Genes . Ham and Haliyma , his parents , were descendants of Cuthites .
Verse 28 . Let's take a look at the Genealogy of Libana , Libana parents, as stated earlier were Ham and Haliyma ,
Verse 29 .Ham was the son ofUtnafishtim , Noakh Nuh , Noah , and Naamah ,
Verse 30 . Naamah , was the daughter of Unaam and Sakhinah , who were both of the Cuthite tribe from the land of Ashur ,

Verse 31 . Haliyma was the daughter of Anis and Shakar , Yubin . Yubin was an Enosite and Anis Cuthite .
Verse 32 . Remember in Genesis 9 ; 24 -25 , after Ham had committed the Sin of looking at his father of Utnafishtim , Noakh Nuh , Noah ,'' the friend of god who is perfect in his Generation and who walked with God in Genesis 6 9 , Utnafishtim , Noakh Nuh , Noah told him that a Curse would be placed on his fourth son Libana , Canaan .
Verse 33 . If you read on later , in the next verse . you will see where Utnafishtim , Noakh Nuh , Noah , includes in his condemnation Yahweh Aluhum , and he told Ham that Libana , Canaan '' Shall Be A Servant Unto His Brethren .
Verse 34 . At this point Ham became terrified and this affected his nervous system , which sent messages to his brain and affected his Pineal Gland , which produces the Melanin .
Verse 35 . Stress and fear can cause many complication in the way a person's body may respond .

Verse 36 . In humans , if danger is perceived the Pituitary Gland release a hormone called Adrenocorticotropic Hormone stimulating or acting on the Adrenal Cortex .
Verse 37 . The hormone in turn triggers the Adrenal Glands to release Epinephrine , known to most as Adrenaline , which is a hormone secreted by the Adrenal Medulla that is released into the Bloodstream in response to Physical or Mental Stress as from fear on injury .
Verse 38 Stress or fear shifts blood flow and energy to the brain , and these effects are all results of what doctors call the Fight or Flight '' response of the body when it is confronted with a threatening situation .
Verse 39 . Thus , a person in a physically or mentally dangerous situstion is said to be under stress as in the case of Ham when he was approached by the Aluhum .
Verse 40 . If a person goes into a states of shock or fear , which is something that would lead them to be stressed , there are two things that may happen .

Verse 41 . One is the Oversecretion of Melanocyte -Stimulating Hormone , Msh by the pituitary gland , which results in brown skin , or two , the lack of secretion of the Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone Msh which would result in white or pale skin coloration .
Verse 42 . The nervous system has a major effect on your skin .
Verse 43 . Leprosy produces granular legiones in affected areas of the skin ; that's why they called it leprosy , Lep -Rosy .
Verse 44 , You will find that when you see a person with a rash or some kind of skin disorder , that it comes from them being stressed out , not sleeping and / or eating properly , or being tensed the majority of the time .
Verse 45 . And doctor will tell you that most skin problems stem from stress .

Verse 46 . That is why when people suffer from Skin disorders such as Seborrhea , Eczema , Psoriasis , Herpes , Etc . They usually don't break out until they become stressed out .
Verse 47 . So you can't tell me that you can't catch a malignant skin disease which is spoken of in Leviticus 13 ; 2 from streets .
Verse 48 . The Torah gives various accounts of the signs and symptoms of what Leprosy actually looks likes .
Verse 49 . Leprosy affects the Skin , the Eyes and the Mucous Membranes of the Nose and Throat , it mainly affects the Nerves ,
Verse 50 . So it is nothing new to say that stress can affect your Nervous System which in turn will affect your Skin .
Verse 51 , It is medically and Scientifically proves .
Verse 52 , That is why when you get Cold or Scared , you can sometimes feel your '' Skin -Crawling '' , or you get what they call '' Goose Bumps, '' or the hair on you arm ''Stands Up . It is all linked up to the Nervous System .
Verse 53 , There is a saying that goes , '' I Was Scared Pale , ''
Verse 54 . Ham was stressed at this moment in his life he was what you woulde call a manic depressive .
Verse 55 . And it is a known fact that stress can cause Skin Defects , because what affects your Nerves can affect your Skin .

Verse 56 . It a regular person could Scare you '' Pale '' , Just imagine what could happen if the unknown was made known to you .
Verse 57 . And that is exactly what happened when the Aluhum stepped in , it Scared Ham Pale .
Verse 58 . But this didn't happen to him Physically , it Affected his Genes and it came out in his fourth son , Libana , Canaan .
Verse 59 . Because Ham was Scared to the point where it affected his Genes , It caused his child to be born Melanin -Recessive .
Verse 60 . As you read previously , the Curse that was placed on Libana , Canaan was a Genetic Curse , Which means it took place in the Genes of man .

Verse 61 , In the case of Ham , the Curse that was placed on Him would only show up on his fourth offspring which was Libana , Canaan ,
Verse 62 , Gene are part of Chromosomes which are made of DNA .
Verse 63 . DNA Controls the inherited traits in Man , Animals , and Plants , Which are responsible for almost all the features that make you look differents from anyone else .
Verse 64 . The Composition of all your body Organs are Governed by your Intelligence .
Verse 65 . In the Nucleus of every cell in your body , there are least a Million Strands of DNA .

Verse 66 . Altogether , they do much to decide what you look and think like .
Verse 67 . It is in the fourth Generation of animals and plants that the recessive traits show up .
Verse 68 . That is why the results of Ham's stress showed up in his fourth son because as it says in the degree of Exodus 20 ; 5 .... '' Visiting The Iniquities Of The Father Upon The Children Unto The Third And Fourth Generation Of Them That Hate Me '' .
Verse 69 . Libana , Canaan was born pale and an Albino ; in other words with the Curse of Leprosy ,
Verse 70 . Libana , Canaan lacked Pigmentation , he was Melanin Recessive so his skin was pale and reanslucent making it possible to see the Veins .

Verse 71 , Canaan's descendants had Straight , 6 Ether , light hair as a result of Leprosy .
Verse 72 , Canaan himself Didn't have Straight ,hair , he had Woolly Hair .
Verse 73 , He was still a Nubian , just an Albino , though he carried the Gene that caused his descendants to be born with Leprosy .
Verse 74 . His fourth son Amor was the father of the Amorites and his brother Jebus was father of the Jebusites .
Verse 75 . The 200 Fallen Disagreeable Angelic Beings came down to earth and Housed The Bodies Of People During Utnafishtim , Noakh Nuh , Noah Time .

Verse 76 . The people became rebellious and strayed from the law's of The Most High ,
Verse 77 . The Creator was Displease , therefore he saw fit for them to be Destroyed .
Verse 78 . The people of Utnafishtim , Noakh Nuh , Noah , time were destroyed by the flood .
Verse 79 . When Ham became Angry , he opened himself up to becoming Possessed ny one of these Wicked Beings , thus allowing them to Re - Enter Qi . The Planet Earth .
Verse 80 . The Spirits of these Eleven Fallen Angelic Beings would House The Bodies Of The Sons Of Canaan . They were Filled with the Unholy Ghost , Evil Spirits , Demons .

Verse 81 . Each son was possessed by one of the Unholy Sirits or Ghost . His sons were ; Sidon possessed by Sammayil , he had Red Hair , Blue Eyes .
Verse 82 . Heth possessed by Hakail Blonde Hair , Blue Eyes .
Verse 83 . Jebus possessed by Jitry Black Hair , Dark Brown Eyes .
Verse 84 . Amor possessed by Asmudius White Hair , White Eyes .
Verse 85 . Girgash possessed by Ghul Light Brown Hair , Grey Eyes .

Verse 86 . Hiwiy possessed by Himah Blonde Hair , Silver Eyes .
Verse 87 . Arkiy possessed by Araqiai Auburn Hair , Hazel Eyes .
Verse 88 . Siniy possessed by Satrina Dark Brown Hair , Brown Eyes .
Verse 89 . Arvad possessed by Adyush , Dark Brown Hair , Dark Blue Eyes .
Verse 90 . Zemar possessed by Zar Sady Blonde Hair , Chestnut Eyes .

Verse 91 . Hamath possessed by Biylzubub , Black Hair , Black Eyes
Verse 92 . These Eleven Angels Were Of The 200 Fallen Angels That Were Cast Out Of Heaven , Not To Be Mistaken With The One Third That Were Cast Out Of The Galaxy Illyuwn .
Verse 93 . This Hamath was possessed by Beelzebub , from Baal , Bel '' lord or master '' and Zabab , The Fly , with its Buzz and stinch , and as the Bee , with its Honey , and order .
Verse 94 . Hamath was possessed by Lucipher , The Bringer Of Light , For Darkness Was Supreme Balance , As Mephistopheles , This Hamath Gave His Soul To Beelzebub To Give To Mephistopheles . The Descendants of Hamath became The Ammonites Of Today .
Verse 95 . And Utnafishtim , Noakh Nuh , Noah lived after the flood 359 years , And all the days of Utnafishtim , Noakh Nuh , Noah were 950 years and he died .
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 11 Feb, 2010 09:56 pm
Further posts in this thread will be considered spam and deleted. If you want to have a discussion, have a discussion, this is not a place for preaching and inhibits other threads that do have ongoing discussions.

Your Moderator.
Reply Fri 12 Feb, 2010 07:36 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;70373 wrote:
Further posts in this thread will be considered spam and deleted. If you want to have a discussion, have a discussion, this is not a place for preaching and inhibits other threads that do have ongoing discussions.

Your Moderator.

At Anytime You Would Like To Discuss / Debate ( Anything ) I Post Bring It Use-ing Excuses Don't Fly With Me .
Reply Fri 26 Feb, 2010 08:01 pm
Fatal_Freedoms Guess You Don't Want None .
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 27 Feb, 2010 11:43 am
If you want to post something, put everything all in the first post, we even have an edit feature so if you forget something you can still put it in. There is no reason why you should have the first 3 or 4 posts, especially as long as they are.
Reply Sat 27 Feb, 2010 12:24 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;70565 wrote:
If you want to post something, put everything all in the first post, we even have an edit feature so if you forget something you can still put it in. There is no reason why you should have the first 3 or 4 posts, especially as long as they are.

Because Some Post Have To Be Explain . This Way You Have To Read The Whole Things To Have A Better Overstanding What Being Said . And You Have To Think Before You Ask Silly Question Because Most Question Already Been Answer If You Read The Whole Post . Overstand ???
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 27 Feb, 2010 06:35 pm
YuhannaEl;70571 wrote:
Because Some Post Have To Be Explain . This Way You Have To Read The Whole Things To Have A Better Overstanding What Being Said . And You Have To Think Before You Ask Silly Question Because Most Question Already Been Answer If You Read The Whole Post . Overstand ???

You could do that in one post.
Reply Sat 27 Feb, 2010 09:50 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;70575 wrote:
You could do that in one post.

But I Didn't ! Stop LQQking For Excuse Because You Can Deal With The Truth .
0 Replies

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