There Are Many Companies Today Competing For The Right To Implant The Chip In You . Take A Look . Injectable Transponder Small Size .
Product Description ~ The Injectable Transponder Is A Passive Radio-Frequency Identification Tag , Designed To Work In Conjuction With A Compatible Radio -Frequecy ID Reading System . The Transponder Consists Of An Electromagetic Coil , Tuning Capacitor , And Microchip Sealed In A Cylindrical Glass Enclosure . The Chip Is Pre-programmed With A Unique ID Code That Cannot Be Altered ; Over 34 Billion Individual Code Numbers Are Availabe . When The Transponder Is Activated By A Low - frequency Radio Signal , It Transmits The ID Code To The Reading System . Although Specifically Designed For Injecting In Animals , This Transponder Can Be Used For Other Applications Requiring A Micro -sized Identification Tag . Specifications
Dimensions ( nominal ) 11 mm by 2.1 mm ( o.43 ' by 008 )
House Bio - compatible glass
Average weight ; 0.06g ( 0.002 ounces )
Temperature range ; -40 to 70 c ( - 40 to 158 F ) , operating and storage
Read range with the HS5105LMini - Portable Reader ; ( in a benign noise environment with optimal orientation of transponder and scanner ) Maximum ; 10 cm ( 4* )
Read speed ; Approximately 1 meter per second .
Vibration ; Sinusoidal ; 1 . 5 mm ( 0.06' ) peak - to peak , 10 to 80 Hz , 3 axis ..Sinusoidal ; 10 g peak tp peak , 80 Hz to 2 kHz , 3 axis .
Injecter needle size ; About 12 gauge .
Perating frequency ; 125 kHz .
Transponders ~ Industrial Transponder , Model TX1103 Circular , Models TX1200 , TX1202 Slugs , ;..... Card Transponders ~ Model TX1309 Coil Inser , Model TX1319 Card , Model TX1320 ProxCard ll tm .
A passive transponder consists of two basic components ; a microchip programmed with a unique ID code and an attached antenna coil , used for both reception and transmission . When the transponder passes through a magnetic field genrated by an antenna , it uses the energy from the magnetic field to '' power up '' and transmit the ID code via its antenna to the scanner at a rate of 4000bites per second . The transponder antenna can be configured in a variety of shape and sizes and enclosed in a variety of different materials to meet diverse application requirement . Read ranges vary according to the configuration and are shown in the chart on page 15 .
The Industrial Transpondershown above are made to withstand the harsh environments commonly found in industrial situations . Model TX 1103 is designed with a screw hole in the center so it can be easily attached to pallets or other non - metallic objects . The TZ1104 is designed specifically for industrial applications that require a smaller transponder. The TX 1200 and the TX1202 can be mounted in metal object so that the transponder surface is flush with the surface of the metal . Where a longer read range is required , one of the Card Transponders should be considered . The polycarbonate TX1320 is easily adhered to a work - in process piece or can be placed in a bin to identify the contents. The TX1310 and TX1309 can be packaged by the user to fit application requirements .
Glass - Encapsulated Transponders Model TX1400 , Model TX1408 , Model TX1410 , Because the glass - encapsulated TX1400 is so small ( 11mm x 2 . 1 mm ) . It can be used in countless applications where automatic identification would normally be an impossibility . It can be molded into plastic objects or inserted into predrilled holes . It can also be injected with a syringe in materials soft enough for needle penetration . For information about using the TX1400 , contact Hughes ID's Industrial Marketing Department .
Tiris ( Texas Instrument Registration Identification System ) ~ The Texas Instrument registration and identification system ( Tiris ) glass capsule 64 - bit read - only transponder is one type in a variety of sizes and shapes . The transponder permanently is programmed with a unique identitication number and a 16-bit block check character , its electrically erasable programmable read - only memory has 80 bits , which can be programmed only during production . The standard housing for the transponder is a 32.5 - millimeter glass tube with a diameter of 3.85 millimeters .
This Has Already Come To Pass Another Prophecy Fulfilled ~ They have alredy been stamped with This ISBN ( International Standard Book Number ) Code in preparation for the enactment of this system . The world of the anti - christ associates will be a cashless and checkless society , Where every financial transaction will be Computerized and executed at business centers and supermarkets without the use of cash . Electronic Fund Transfer ( EFT ) Is already practiced in most cities of The United States . EFT Allows a consumer to buy and sell without cash while a Computer merely Debits and Credites The Account . What's interesting is that fact that there are countries today that have already fulfilled The Prophesy of Revelation 13 ; 16 -18 .
Thailand who has a contract to supply information on it's population of over 56 Million People , And everyone over the age 15 is already logged in this system . They record vital information that would allow them to track any individual at any given time . The national I.D. Card Has Their Name , Address , I.D. Number , Fingerprints , Marital States , Educational Background , Occupation , Income , Nationality , Religion , Family History , Tax Return And Crimminal Record . ( What More Information Could They Possibly Need On You . Yes And Some Careds Even List Your Social Security Number And Blood Type !!! .
This Has Already Come To Pass Another Prophecy Fulfilled ~ In 1979 A.D. , A Church tour group visited the busines capital of The European Community At Brussels , Belgium And The European Parliament Alternate Centers At Strasbourg , France , And Luxembourg City In Europe . One Of The Officials Interviewed Conceded That There Was A Giant Computer Nicknamed The '' Beast ''
Paul Peterson , In His Book , Sinister World Computerization , Reports ; '' I Saw The Computer In Luxembourg That Can Computerize Facts And Figures On Everyone In The World . The Building That Houses It Is Over A Half - Block Square . The Main Floor Contains All The Computerization Equipment And There Are Five Or Six Floors That Are Used For The Business End ... '' One Item That Especially Intrigued Mr . Peterson Was A Reell Of Micro - Tape Approximately One - Half Inch Wide By Two Feet In Diameter , Capable Of Storing 20 Pages Of Documentation On Every Person Living In The U.S.A Think Of It ! A Reel With The Potential Of Recording 20 Pages Of Information Pertaining To More Than 220 Million Human Beings - And There Were 7,000 Reels On Location At The Time Of Mr . Peterson's Visit . A Mere 20 Reels Would Accommodate 20 Page Of Information On Every Person Alive Today .