You know you could clarify that for me.
Forbidden Truth = Check the website.
Truth = A Truth, but one that is specifically relating to societal issues, or is relating to societal issue but is without any depth (i.e. a mere social critique).
True Reality = Go to
Home Page or Manifesto of Forbidden Truth (Joseph Weintraub's site).
Seer TT : "Being "appalled" by Truth is inferior. "
I'm not appalled by what is written there, but by the fact that it is written at all.
That is false. You cannot be appalled that something is written, because it is written. Otherwise everything that was written would be appalling. The fact that you even chose the word "appalling" strongly indicates to Me that you are brainwashed by socities false moral standards claim. You were appalled by the Truth.
Previous Seer TT : "The timing of what? "
Why are you here if not to express your FT? I say you have no timing, because you have not considered the consequences of what you say.
The only consequences are the highlighting of My obvious Superiority.
You claim that you have to sneak to get to truth, but you are being blunt.
I did not say I had to, but others (context) have to. Perhaps you can work that out.
It is not possible to change society's operational core to a Truth-based model, because society is based on lies and myths. Since less than 99.9999% of humans can recognise and embrace Truth, there is no way a Truth-based society could come about.
Yes I agree, with the first part at least, society is based on lies and myths, but they are useful ones.
All lies and myths are toxic, harmful and malevolent. THere is no such thing as a "useful lie" or a "useful myth", and anyone stating that lies so much might be useful is a supreme inferior.
What you claim implies change, whether you want it to or not, your words attempt to change society in to the model you say is impossible.
Incorrect. The words are purely for self-serving purposes. You humans can all die in pain, ruin you lives because of inability to see the Truth, or what have you. I do not care. I do not want to help you.
Which is brought upon by themselves of course.
I still do not understand what that is supposed to mean. I do see that it is supposed to realate to the change sentence before it. This statement is not precise enough, perhaps re-phrase it.