First things first : You are a complete retard. I do not mean that as an insult. You need help.
Quote:Well, most people have some sort of conscience which is surely based on instinct.
Wrong. How do you explain other cultures? Hmmm? Think, man. What is wrong to one culture is not to another. And they are HUMANS with INSTINCTS.
Quote:We're naturally inclined to preserve our own species
Human being have lost this capability when they rejected the Truth.
Excuse Me, while I just flush My books on Global Warming, Wars, genocide, poolution, ozone layer, poisons, biological weapons development, atomic weapons down the toilet. They must all be ficticious. You have spoken otherwise.
Quote:Which means we don't do things which have come to be seen as violating the rights of others.
But we do. Wrong again.
Quote:The Golden Rule is "do unto others what you would have done unto you."
Try to think. You cant justify morality by the rules of morality L That is circular justification.
Quote:Anyone who is in a sane state of mind can surely see the logic behind this.
You are insane or extremely dumb. There IS NO LOGIC TO YOUR CLAIMS. They are illogical.
A List of Fallacies In Logic
Look up circular reasoning, and appeal to history logical fallacyARGUMENTUM AD ANTIQUITAM . Then try thinking.
Quote:If what you believe is right conflicts with what people in general (society) believe is right, then you are not completely sane.
Wrong. Society is not sane, and its definition of what is right is just capricous and arbitrary.
What about Muslims, who disagree? Or tribes? Or Sweden> Are thier differences tantamount to insanity? Idiot.
Quote:It's just the way it works. It's practical democracy, the majority is right and the rest are wrong. No amount of philosophical conjecturing will ever change that.
I dont NEED to change it, YOU are wrong in the first place.
It is a logical fallacy to attribute Truth or Correctness to authority or to majority. This would be Appeal To Majority.
Q : WHen people thought the earth was flat, do you actually think they were right?
Quote:They really aren't so illogical and ridiculous. Tradition is just the way we've made things work for thousands of years and the way they will continue to work if we keep those traditions. If society doesn't have a moral code based on respect for others, it will negatively impact everyone.
Oh.....The stupidity. Look, you inherently assume your argument is correct to justify it. Traditions NEVER made anything work.
Quote:That's a pretty self-important thing to say.
Unlike you, I am important.
Quote:That sounds like existentialism. If mainstream society's reality conflicts with yours, then, as I said, you're wrong for everyone but yourself and the small amount of people who see things according to your moral code. There can't be moral relativity in a society if it is to work efficiently.
Just because something suits societal leaders does not mean that it is right.
Quote:I'm not a fan of presumptous people trying to test my intelligence.
Get a 55 IQ last time?
Quote:Who is Peter claiming did? Himself? In any case, physical and circumstantial evidence is what proves a crime like murder.
In the example, Peter IS guilty, ther eis no question.
Quote:If his brain is controlling him, it is also controlling his arguments that it is controlling him.
No, his argument sfont control him. He says determinsm does, dummy.
Even so, his arguments are still determined by determism.
Quote:So Peter's identity is his brain,
What???? That is just stupid.
Quote:which must be held responsible for what it has caused him to do.
But his brain could not make any other choice. His brain is just as much under the forces of determisnm as he is.
Quote:Peter cannot be acting as a separate identity blaming his brain for causing him to act, they are the same thing.
HE CANNOT CHOOSE. So : how can he be responsible ? Thats is why an accident does not make you morally responsible. Dont you understand?
Quote:Though determinism cannot be proven wrong, it cannot be proven right, which means that theories based on it cannot be acceptable in a court of law.
Actually, you are wrong. But that is NOT THE POINT. You are just incompetant, completely so.
Look, this philisophical puzzle is UNSOLVABLE, YOU DILL. IT IS A FAMOUS RIDDLE. IT CANNOT BE ANSWERED. You cannot disprove his story. Therefore, you cannot prove he was ever morally culpable. You cant prove Peter wrong.