Reply to mimidamnit :
"society is not giving the ok to murder these animals.. to keep the human handlers from murdering other humans."
I take this to mean that you are accepting the mass-murder of animals is committed by society. Your issue is the REASON why society is comitting mass murder against animals.
BRIEF : "Like the GOD MYTH, society claims that you have to disprove its actions/claims wrong or they are by default correct. This is a lie. Society is making claims, then making unnatural murder actions based on those claims (IE those claims being it has a rational purpose to kill animals in a "homeless shelter")."
Lecture - A brief summary of the use of Animals as societally sponsered Poison-Ccontainers.
Copyright 2009 Travis Truman, webmaster of
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All animals are from the same common ancestors. Human beings are simply animals. Even though humans are animals, they are the most inferior type of animals. But they are still animals.
Human beings are actually animals, but are different in one important way that seperates it from other animals. This is : Humans are are the only life-form on Earth that rejects the Truth and suffers from extreme fundamental brain malfunction.
This makes other animals Superior, and humans inferior. As we know, humans can develop inferiority complexes, something that wild animals never suffer from, as they have not lost brain function integrity. It is humans, in general, that have an inferiority complex that makes them hostile towards animals. Due to the human desease of Truth-denial, humans can never admit to this.
Humans like to think of themselves as NOT being animals, or that they are a Superior form of animal. Both of these are rejections of Truth. They reject the Truth that they are animals.
One example of this is : When a judge, representing human society, sentences a serial killer, he refers to this hated and despised Victim : "You acted like an animal." OR "You are an animal", to infer some kind of nagativity that the killer supposedly has. That suggested negativity is NOT infered onto the other citizen-slaves. If it were, they would often take offense.
Humans try not to be like the other animals, they dont want to act and think like an animal. There IS a guilt factor at play here. Human society sponsers and faucilitiates torture, genocide, murder, victimise and otherwise brutally and unnaturally exploit all the other animals. This ability does NOT make humans Superior, it proves thier inferiority because only a species with a mental-complex needs to do these things. Human society find it easier to create an illusion of sanity and righteousness in its animal genocide if it can somehow seperate humans from animals and pretend that humans are not dimply what they are - the lowest form of animal life on planet Earth.
So human society has to make various disguies for its hostility towards animals. Usually, this hostility is subconscious. It can take on many varing levels of intensity, but is commonly an extreme hate or rage with murderous intent.
This is not to say that this is the only reason why humans hate and despise animals. But it is the major basis for most of the other reasons. This irrational hate and hostility manifests itself in the ways that human species has a direct and overt toxic and destructive impact on every single other species of life. This Truth proves that humanity does not even deserve to continue to exist, because its continued existance will result in the further extintion of many other Superior species of life.
First, lets look at some of the METHODS used by society to harm animals, and how the PROVE that humanity is using the animal as a societally sponsered poison container :
[2A] The overeating of other animals beyond all natural and necessary requirements.
[2B] The unnatural breeding, domesticaion and mutilation of the genitals of animals using the insane label "desexing", which is actually both a sub-conscious attempt to stop the animals from being able to breed because you hate them, and a sub-conscience or conscious desire to inflict an attrocity upon animals.
[2C] The "sport" of hunting animals down and killing them for no other reason than the human wanted to kill something. (VERY relavent method).
[2D] The physical and emotional abuse of animals. ie. using them as poison-container. where there is no other need or purpose to attack the animal.
[2E] The murder of animals to cathartically relieve thier own rage/hate and dysfunction where there is no clearly no need or purpose to murder the animal.
Logical Principal {L1} :
Like the GOD MYTH, society claims that you have to disprove its actions/claims wrong or they are by default correct. This is a lie. Society is making claims, then making unnatural murder actions based on those claims (IE those claims being it has a rational purpose to kill animals in a "homeless shelter").
So, it is important to understand that since humanity has committed an action, there must be some reason, explanation and justification as to why by default. This must stand to all logical analysis.
If there is a reason, justification or statement of purpose given by human society, and that is proven false, then this situation is the same as not having any reason or justification, because it was proven to be false.
The Truth is that the only logical and reasonable explanation is that humanity is using the animals as poison containers in an exploitative fashion. This is WHY it is the Truth.
OK. Let Me apply L1 to [2A] and start from there :
Humans overeat, and eat when they are not hungry. Although this is an exploitation of animals, is unnatural, and often has it's roots founded in self-esteem and other effects of the human mental defects, it only proves the callousness of defectiveness of human on an individual basis. However, human society is more than the sum of its parts as a society. Human society claims that it needs food supply, and that humans simply are greedy. Is this True? NO!
Because humans could feed themselves on other food and protein sources and still be healthy, and further more, even if they did eat chickens etc., they could do so to a muh, much lesser segree than is currently the case. They do not have to do so as a society, they choose to do so, and they want to do so. Also, the method is also a problem. Chickens are kept in two catagories of horrific conditions, insanely using one as a measure for the other, when the Truth is that BOTH are horrific and unjustifiable.
Yet society rejects the claim that it cannot be justified and its reasons are insane, despite the obvious fact that it is. It then does NOT come up with any other reasons why, it just continues to do so.
Since society actively sponsers and promotes this act, and there is no sane, ration, natural or instinctual purpose to this act, proves the overall point about society's treatement of animals and reason of doing so.
Very easy one here. Humans are doing these things to mutiliate the genitals of animals, in such a way that they themselves do not find acceptable to be done to themselves. They do this because they believe that they are "superior" and have the right to inflict this harm onto an animal, and the act of doing so allows the expression of this mental attitude. Also, they revell in thier presumed authority to do so, to inflict harm upon an animal, to watch it inspect its genital region afterwards to see what is wrong. The animals has done nothing wrong, nothing to deserve this. It robs them of thier natural life cycle choices, and asaults them with callous and malevolent intent.
The ONLY reason ever given by society is : "we have to do it, we have no choice because we have to protect our animals by reducing numbers".
Does this make sense? NO! The Truth is that by the very act of harming the animal, you are violating your claim to protect them. Humans are breeding these extra animal numbers. They did this. Further, humans do harm and murder against millions of individual animals every day, and they dont have to prevent that? The very people who make these claims run, or support animal centers that murder animals every day without justification.
What is more, they could simply not get pets in the first place! Then both problems aer solved at once. If you have a choice at owning a pet or not, even if there is not choice to to "desex" it, then you also inherit the choice not to desex the animal! Of course there is a choice.
Yet society rejects the claim that it cannot be justified and its reasons are insane, despite the obvious fact that it is. It then does NOT come up with any other reasons why, it just continues to do so.
Since society actively sponsers and promotes this act, and there is no sane, ration, natural or instinctual purpose to this act, proves the overall point about society's treatement of animals and reason of doing so.
"SPORT" Hunting.
Hunting is the action, given with societal permission, to literally go out and kill animals for no justifiable reason. Even if SOME hunters have a personal reason, society does not require them to have one. You can just go out an kill an animal, often one not even of the natrual human food chain, for "sport", or entertainment, using an unnatural device used for killing in an unnatural way.
Society's claim : People like doing so, who are we to stop them.
That is actually not a reason or motivation to do so, because it just says "we like to do it because we like to do it". Justification? : "There are not human."
Therefore, society cannot peovide any sane, rational and honest reason and justification for doing so. Yet it continues to act in violation of natural behavioural principals.
Yet society rejects the claim that these things cannot be justified, despite the obvious fact that it is. It then does NOT come up with any other reasons why, it just continues to do so.
Since society actively sponsers and promotes this act, and there is no sane, ration, natural or instinctual purpose to this act, proves the overall point about society's treatement of animals and reason of doing so.
[2D] Socety faucilitates and sponsers not only human child abuse, but animal abuse too. It also, despite promoting this as a society, singles out one case out of millions, takes it to court, gives out a punishment, and then displays it in all the newpapers. It does this to keep up it's illusion of decency, because it is guilty of sponsering the mass murder and abuse of animals.
The law regarding assault and murder of animals at a domestic setting is made so weak, un-enforcable and so under-policed that it is no practicle deterrant compared with the human applicable laws.
WHY is there such a difference? WHY the seperate legislation? It can only be because humans consider the animals to be inferior and of less value than humans and therefore set laws that are upposed to protect them that are even less effective than those that fail human children.
And now we come to the coup de grace.
[2E] The murder of animals to cathartically relieve thier own rage/hate and dysfunction where there is no clearly no need or purpose to murder the animal. ANALYSIS VIA logical principal {L1}.
I will use the so-called animal shelter example again. In previous post, I, Seer Travis Truman, have already proven that the animal shelter systems do NOT have to murder the animals that humans forcibly place in there.
So, what justification, purpose or natural instinct is there that explains why society not only allows, but faucilitates and promotes the obvious mass-murder of animals???? What mental processess are going through the mind of the human societal leaders and RSPCA leaders who order, recommend, instruct, fauciliate, teach, and promote these animal mass-murders?
They are simply angry, and enraged citizen-slaves refleting the LIE of society that they are "better than animals" by acting out real-world mass-murder scenarios on animals. There is no natural instinct or natural brain-function explanation as to why they choose to do these things. Therefore, there MUST be a warped and artificial and unnatural mind-set that produces these acts.
While all humans may not be murderously enraged, or even murderously enraged towards animals exclusively, those leaders, and citizens, who agree with the murder of animals are at least afflicted with a mental complex. This complex allows them to act in a unjustifiable and murderous capacity the animals. This in itself is an act of using an animal as a poison container, for the purpose and participation in an act of murder or support thereof, approved of and sponsered by society.
Because of the higher number of sponsered murder of animals vs those of humans, the lesser penalty degrees/ the more open and public nature of kennels versus abortion clinics, the acceptance % of humans to media reports of animals being "humanely" put down etc. etc.
The logical conclusion is : Animala re poison containers, and they are the favoured poison-containers in most socities worldwide, and in ALL western-style societies.