@Ares cv,
Ares;66150 wrote:See I don't get this... People observe people doing things and then they forget the fact that they are people and just apply it to some group which the subject ascribes him or herself to... If that didn't lose you... My point is that it is not CHRISTIANS who are tearing CHRISTIANS down but think of it as PEOPLE tearing PEOPLE down. Because you must consider the fact that in every ideology and belief or cult whatever you want to call it, basically religion, politics, sports, science in ANYTHING which is made up of humans you have colleagues tearing eachother down. It is the nature which has become human nature to tear people down, to get ahead what have you.
But you must do well to remember, it is not limited to Christians. And I believe that because such things can be observed in Christians and also non-Christians that there is no difference between the two. LOL why is one of the tags 'disease'?
well i appreciate your attempt. but my question wasnt about all people.. it's my opinion that christians hold themselves to a higher standard, they being the moral watchdog, the ultimate authority on right and wrong.. and yes i am aware that christians are merely people, but i also keep in mind that i was raised in this community, was shovel fed their beliefs.. and am more than aware that they feel they possess the right to inject their belief on people not of their faith. ( meaning also, that they stand in judgement of people that question that which they believe) when in fact their holy bible states judge not lest ye be judged, .. and i know that not all christians are carriers of this "disease", but i ask my question out of experience with this type. and i'd appreciate it if you didnt attempt to make me appear ignorant.. "if that didnt lose you.." or rather.. lol.. that you make your attempts to appear more knowledgeable less obvious.... you mention human nature.. christians know human nature to be inherently bad.. and they "speak" of denying that which is of the world. and clinging to that which is of god. so why then, if they are on a quest to be more like jesus, do they stomp on those that are on this same quest.. but meeting more obstacles than one would imagine a christian should? :dunno:
im not here to belittle christianity. of course i question their beliefs and the accuracy of the bible they study today, but im not in the habit of issuing judgement. im merely asking a question. for christians. about christians. anyone not of this faith is irrelevant.. when it comes to my question.