The main reason for the changing beliefs of scientists is that they deny God and look for alternate explanations for the way the universe works.
This is nothing more than trying to fit a square peg into a round hole which is why it has resulted in one theory after another, disagreements between scientists (since their theories aren't based on facts, but fantasy) and erroneous conclusions with so many holes that they have to keep plugging them up just to have them leak again so they can try to plug them up again. :rollinglaugh:
biggest square peg they are trying to use is that since they deny God, they're trying to make everything in the universe come from everything else in the universe.

Of course this never addresses where the first particles and DNA came from, but they're can't explain that without creating more holes. So instead of acknowledging that life itself is a miracle, they look to their imaginations and begin inventing stories that don't exist in reality. On such story is looking at an animal, then
imagining that it mutated into another animal then they call that fact. :eek:
Needless to say, that:
1) contradicts the way animals and humans mate and breed
2) Ignores the definition of reproduction which is that each species breeds its own kind
3) Obscures the difference between science and science fiction
4) Isn't based on
observing an animal mutate into another, but
imagining that it once did
And so many other processes that are not only illogical but don't happen in reality, then
no wonder scientists disagree with each other all the time! :rollinglaugh:
But the truth is always simple and holds no contradictions.
God is the only explanation that isn't contradictory or convoluted. He simply created all living things each according to their kinds and the animals he created mate and breed, each according to their kinds. It's as simple as that and that's
exactly the way the world works.
But scientists don't want neat, tidy packages and explanations. They want contradictory, complex and convoluted explanations that contradict the way the world works. :rolleyes:
But that's what you have to be to deny God; illogical, contradictory and irrational. And they got em by their made up stories that keep changing with the seasons.