Carico;66917 wrote:Collected data are what? Skulls and bones of many different animals and humans that are peiced together to form creatures never before mentioned in history?

Sorry, but again, that's called artwork, not science.

That's called you not knowing what you talk about again. History in fact mentions them... its called the fossil record. If you're looking for
written history, then you're more daft than I thought. Everything in the fossil record existed before we did. We weren't around to "mention" them.
There were things hanging around before we hit the scene. Ever seen a passenger pigeon? They existed before you. Has anyone you know seen one? So how do you know that what you see in museums is correct? All the books about them could be "interpretations".
Quote:Again, interpreting fossils are as subjective as interpreting contemporary artwork...especially since scientists only have one end of the chain, namely, humans. So they have no clue what type of animal "evolved" into humans and thus don't know what they're looking for.

Like a poor marksman, you keep missing the target. You honestly think we're the be-all, end-all? Really? You think it's all about what led to humans?
You're so far off it's not even funny.
What's even better is how you think you know how to examine fossils. You can surely talk about it, but again this where your ignorance (and arrogance) come out from the shadows.
Quote:What's practical about claiming that imaginary animals turned into people? :eek: flu shots have nothing whatsoever to do with the story of evolution. A bacterial or viral cell becomes more virulent, more like itself than another cell. And vaccines like penicillin were discovered by accident. So using the bacteria to prevent bacteria is no different than fighting fire with fire. So it's connection to the story of evolution is non-existent. :rolleyes:
Really? Flu shots have nothing to do with evolution? So why do you get one every year? Could it be that the virus becomes resistant to the vaccine? You do realize that shot you get is slightly different every time, right? You don't think TamiFlu is naturally occuring, do you?
When a strain becomes more "virulent", it is adapting to environmental pressure. This, by definition, is evolution. The problem is your lack of education. Your idea of evolution is so far out there that you couldn't pass a high school exam. Put simply: your ideas are wrong. There's nothing wrong with evo-bio... the problem lies between your ears. You think of these insane ideas, none of which are even close to being right, and throw them up as your "evidence". Its like a kid trying to explain how a particle accelerator works. I'd put money down that you haven't done the first bit of research and that everything is based upon what you get from your religious constituents.
Quote:But you still haven't answered the question in the OP. If scientists came out and called evolution a hoax, would you believe them, or the story of evolution?
They would have to invalidate it the exact same way it was validated. If, and only if that happens, then I would accept the findings.
But you and your book have miles to go before you sleep, and you haven't even lifted the first foot off the ground.
Now, if the churches came out saying that religion was a hoax, would
you believe? Let's see how you answer that.