The problem here is the lack of separation between what science (and evolutionary biology) says and what the media/creationists/uneducated says. Everybody of course looks at the famous picture of "evolution" and immediately thinks man-from-monkeys. The same goes for transitionals such as Tiktaalik... it conjures ideas that we all *poof*ed from fish.
Those ideas are not only wrong, they fly in the face of what evolutionary biology actually states. If man actually descended from modern monkeys, we'd have to take about a third of the biological journals, papers, texts and data we've collected and send it to the recyclers. Nowhere is such a thing stated. Never has such a thing been stated. Ideas like that are the product of way too much bad moonshine and anti-freeze. Subsequently, the idea that evolutionary biology is fully hinged on chance is also horribly incorrect. Again, never is it stated that evolution is a process of chance... but people see the word "random" and immediately think of throwing a handful of dice. They don't grasp the concept that while they think of this as a game of craps, evolution is more of a game of Yahtzee.
Put simply, evolution is the non-random survival of randomly varying replicators. That's it. It's an incredibly simple mechanism.