ahmetsecer;59222 wrote:
- The theory was treated as a scientific one, even though it possessed not a shred of scientific evidence.
Really!? Then explain ERVs! Explain Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA! Explain fused chromosomes discovered in human genome! Explain how 99.8% of species that ever lived are now extinct! Explain why synapsids are extinct. Explain vestigial structures!
- Efforts were made to give the impression that intermediate forms existed, though not a single one has ever been found.
List of human evolution fossils - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of transitional fossils - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Evidence of common descent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Nautiloids to Ammonoids
o Bactritids
* Fish to Amphibians
o Tiktaalik roseae
o Osteolepis
o Eusthenopteron
o Panderichthys
o Elginerpeton
o Obruchevichthys
o Hynerpeton
o Tulerpeton
o Acanthostega
o Ichthyostega
o Pederpes finneyae
o Eryops
* Amphibians to Amniotes (early reptiles)
o Proterogyrinus
o Limnoscelis
o Tseajaia
o Solenodonsaurus
o Hylonomus
o Paleothyris
* Synapsid (mammal-like "reptiles") to mammals
o Protoclepsydrops
o Clepsydrops
o Dimetrodon
o Procynosuchus
o Thrinaxodon
o Yanoconodon
* Diapsid reptiles to birds
o Yixianosaurus
o Pedopenna
o Archaeopteryx
o Changchengornis
o Confuciusornis
o Ichthyornis
* Evolution of whales
o Pakicetus
o Ambulocetus
o Kutchicetus
o Artiocetus
o Dorudon
o Basilosaurus
o Eurhinodelphis
o Mammalodon
* Evolution of the horse
o Hyracotherium
o Mesohippus
o Parahippus
o Merychippus
o Pliohippus
o Equus
* Non-human apes to modern humans
o Pierolapithecus catalaunicus
o Ardipithecus
o Australopithecus
o Homo rudolfensis
o Homo habilis
o Homo erectus
Quote:- All of humanity was indoctrinated with the lie that unconscious, uncontrolled, inanimate atoms combined together in a random manner and gave rise to states, civilisations and scientists who examine their own cells in the laboratory.
evolution states no such thing.
- In doing all this, of course, it used only lies, fraud and demagoguery.
Quote:Darwinism is such a terrible lie that the proponents of this ideology had no hesitation over producing hoax fossils and exhibiting these for 40 years. Darwinists have made a habit of resorting to fraud in order to invent intermediate fossils.
Evolutionists are the ones who discovered fossils to be hoaxes, if it was really a giant conspiracy as you insist why would they debunk their own fossils?
Quote:but they have been unable to endow a single living thing with any advantageous trait by way of mutation even in the controlled laboratory environment.
The E. coli long-term evolution experiment (LTEE) is an ongoing study in experimental evolution led by Richard Lenski that has been tracking genetic changes in 12 initially nearly identical populations of asexual Escherichia coli bacteria since February 15, 1988.[1] Since the experiment's inception, Lenski and his colleagues have reported a wide array of genetic changes; some evolutionary adaptations have occurred in all 12 populations, while others have only appeared in one or a few populations.
In the early years of the experiment, there were several common evolutionary developments shared by the populations. The mean fitness of each population, as measured against the ancestor strain, increased—rapidly at first, but leveling off after close to 20,000 generations (at which point they grew about 70% faster than the ancestor strain). All populations evolved larger cell volumes and lower maximum population densities, and all became specialized for living on glucose (with declines in fitness relative to the ancestor strain when grown in dissimilar nutrients). 4 of the 12 populations developed defects in their ability to repair DNA, greatly increasing the rate of additional mutations in those strains. Although the bacteria in each population are thought to have generated hundreds of millions of mutations over the first 20,000 generations, Lenski has estimated that only 10 to 20 beneficial mutations achieved fixation in each population, with less than 100 total point mutations (including neutral mutations) reaching fixation in each population.[2]
They manufactured the Piltdown Man hoax, exhibited for 40 years, by adding the jaw bone of a recently deceased orang utan to a human skull, and the Nebraska Man fraud by producing representations of him and his supposed family on the basis of a single boar’s tooth.
both of which were debunked and exposed as frauds by evolutionists not creationists!
For years, the portrayed the Coelacanth as an intermediate form, and were surprised when it transpired that the creature was still alive today.
It's environment has not changed so it cannot evolve.
They came up with an imaginary “scenario of equine evolution,” although horse fossils dating back 53 million years were identical to horses alive today, but eventually had to confess that this, too, was a fraud.
this is the oldest fossil found that is related to horse, as you can see it looks nothing at all like modern horses and is less than half the size.
One hundred million fossils unearthed from the various strata of the earth and revealing that living things remain unchanged since the moment of their first creation represent an insoluble dilemma for evolutionists.