Impressive, but not one single shred of evidence that shows evolution is not true Just a load of bumkin that is trawled out by the religous comunity that have absolutely no understanding of what it is, how it works and the pure simple brilliance that is so facinating, that what is written in a little religous book pales into insignificance.
It is the ability of every single one of your ancestors that survied and did not die, that they fought for their lives and procreated and eventually through Millions of years you be came the single by-product with the ability to survive and thus pass on your genes.
If you manage to take your head out of your one book, you will find on a DNA level that every single creature is linked that that the more simiar the species the closer the comparisons.
Just because more and more small minded inbreds choose to believe about magic men in the sky doesn't make it any more true, you know that right?