More religious cant from the boy who claims Buddhism is not a religion. In two thousand years, what has Buddhism done to end hunger, disease, rape, murder, drug and alcohol addiction, war, government oppression? The answer is nothing. Inferentially, you take the line common to all religious fanatics. You blame the victim. So, for example, the woman and children who are beaten by the husband and father, and who are slowly starving to death while the substance of their food production is sent off to feed useless mouths in the local monastery, all they need to do is learn meditation techniques, and as they slowly die of the beatings and malnutrition, they can contemplate the oneness of the cosmos, and be translated to a higher plane of existence?
I long ago came to the conclusion that the Buddhists are the worst of the relgious hypocrites, the most smug, the most indifferent to human suffering.