Purpose of human life

Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 08:43 am
The purpose of human life: Compassion towards others.

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Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 01:38 pm

the purpose of Human life is to slaved by god

that was the origin of gods purpose in the past , this god is worshiped no different in the past , than it is god is now

and any omni god that might be out there , this omni-god doesn't seem to make any choices on any life form , as to any favorates

Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 11:00 pm
The purpose of life is to get to know God.

Out of conTROLL.
Reply Sat 31 Mar, 2012 06:48 am
demonhunter wrote:

The purpose of life is to get to know God.

Out of conTROLL.
Why is it that everyone who claims to know God hates their fellow human beings...
Reply Sat 31 Mar, 2012 01:14 pm
Well not EVERYONE, but there does seem to be a disproportionate quantity of Christians who would like to see unbelievers suffer in Hell. That is a form of hatred.
Reply Mon 2 Apr, 2012 08:42 am
JLNobody wrote:

Well not EVERYONE, but there does seem to be a disproportionate quantity of Christians who would like to see unbelievers suffer in Hell. That is a form of hatred.
Christianity is all 99% bullshit with Jesus being the only reasonable part... They don't hate the sin and love the sinner... The love the sin, and envy the sinner, and live in fear of spitting in the face of God and going against moral precepts, but ultimately of looking like **** in the eyes of people very much like themselves -who turn all their angst, frustration, and sinful desires for carnal pleasures outwards so they can use it to paint the world black... I never envy the sinner... Sinners are the most hurt and desparate people of us all, but the line between blessed and damned does not end at the church door...
Reply Mon 2 Apr, 2012 09:20 am
"Saints" and"sinners" exist only in our categorizing heads. I like to say that there are no moral phenomena, only moral interpretations of phenomena.
Reply Tue 3 Apr, 2012 08:28 pm
demonhunter wrote:

The purpose of life is to get to know God.

Out of conTROLL.

and once you do you will find , this god of yours is not Human friendly at all
Reply Wed 4 Apr, 2012 06:38 am
JLNobody wrote:

"Saints" and"sinners" exist only in our categorizing heads. I like to say that there are no moral phenomena, only moral interpretations of phenomena.
It is true at least that there can be no catagory of one, and every one is guilty... That willingness to eat the apple, or break free of the matrix is common to all people, as is the regret... Some people live their lives in regret, thinking that by doing so they will earn some eternal life... I just accept the regret, and know it is part of a conscious life as a human and get on with it...My only problem of moment with the believers is their incapacity for growth... They think as children and act as children and make this vice their virtue when they should grow up, and start acting rather than reacting...
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Reply Wed 4 Apr, 2012 06:43 am
north wrote:

demonhunter wrote:

The purpose of life is to get to know God.

Out of conTROLL.

and once you do you will find , this god of yours is not Human friendly at all
As human nature has changed so has changed the nature of God... Consider only the Jews... When they were living a hard, hand to mouth existence in the desert their God was a sonovabich who took no prisoners... By the time of Jesus, the God was some one you could have a psychological relationship with...Jesus became for people the personification of the God he represented for them...
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Reply Mon 9 Apr, 2012 07:18 am
Meditation helps:

Reply Mon 9 Apr, 2012 09:43 am
Medication helps.

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Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 06:37 pm
@dattaswami cv,
The purpose of human life is to avoid asking such questions for as long as you can so you can mindlessly go on living in order to follow the hidden purpose that nature has installed for you. Any question of this kind stops you right in the track and defeats the original purpose of being alive in the first place. So go out there, live, be in awe, and be purposeless.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 06:47 pm
How can anyone live in awe while starving and without a roof?
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Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 03:11 am
@dattaswami cv,
Well , the answer of this question is depended on a person,s opinion. if you offer this question to a thief he will reply :" the meaning of life is that we steal things " or if we ask from a gangster he will reply : power , wine , sex , an effectual gun with enough bullet and a materialist will respond : it hasn't any especial meaning or purpose we are like other animals but we have developed to those so we just have to live without we think about life and if we ask........ .So your question has only one right answer and we must see what is that
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Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2014 07:05 pm
We're host for concious all godly emotions like happiness love and hope. They are slowly filling us taking the human flesh and bone to Heaven.
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