If Walking Is So Good For You, Then Why Does My Mailman Look Like Jabba The Hut?
Necrophillia: That Uncontrollable Urge To Crack Open A Cold One.
To All You Virgins Thanks For Nothing.
My Kid Got Your Honor Roll Student Pregnant.
You're Just Jealous Because The Voices Are Talking To Me.
You! Out Of The Gene Pool!
I heard once a story about some European tourist lady that bought a T-shirt in Hong Kong with something written in Chinese on it. As she put it on, the local kids started running after her and making fun of her. She found some local resident that translated what was written on the shirt. The text was as follows: "I am a fat, filthy and stupid female baboon that buys garments with inscriptions that I am unable to read".
visualize whirled peas
my box, my choice
i bet you'd drive better with that cell phone up your ass
I Have The Body Of A God... Buddha.
Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult.
"Know thyself!"
- Onan
Grafitti from 1964
(written at eye level above a urinal)
"Deposit Goldwater here"
Grafitti written on the wall of a toilet stall:
"My mother made me a paranoid schizophrenic!"
Written by someone else underneath:
"If I buy the yarn will she make me one too?"
Regime Change Begins At Home
Hate is NOT a Family Value
Bush/Cheney 1984
WWJD (What Would Jenna Drink?)
Jesus was a Liberal Jew
PDiddie said:
"...WWJD (What Would Jenna Drink?)..."
I love it! LMAO
pdiddie - That photo in the upper right hand corner of LB's Guide to Raising Harlots just kills me, assuming it is really Bushettes.
And thank you for the original Jenna reference - I wasn't aware these sites existed.
(Who Would Jesus Bomb?)
graffito in staff at JFK airport (probably much repeated elsewhere)...
"This toilet paper's like John Wayne: rough, tough, and it don't take shite off any arsehole." (Or something very close to that.)
Where is Bob Dog?
If you lived in your heart, you'd be home now.
Mean People Suck.
Trust those who search for truth; Not those who found it.
How Many Roads Must A Man Travel Down Before He Admits He Is Lost?
Thank you for pot smoking.
rehab is for quitters
he who laughs last took longest to get the joke
(on a t-shirt) honestly officer, i didn't know she was 5