If you believe dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals didn't exist you're in an extreme case of denial.
Even creationists accept that dinosaurs are real and were alive at one time:
Dinosaurs and the Bible - Answers in Genesis
This is a picture of a real skull.
This is made of solid bone, it could not have be pieced together...IT IS SOLID BONE!
fossilized bone is very fragile and will break off in shards. The chances of finding many different bones that fit together exactly to form a single tyrannosaurus skull is essentially none.
but the sheer quantity of extinct animal fossils is so massive, literally hundreds of thousands of fossils and for them all to be fakes is utterly ridiculous!
But even fossils as nothing more than a single tooth are DNA tested and reveal unknown DNA of extinct animals. This cannot be faked. You cannot create completely new DNA and you cannot manufacture bone. You cannot mold or remodel bone.
Carico want's people to believe this is fake:
and this
and this
and this
and this
and of course this one which still has fossilized skin on it:
And how exactly did these get into the ground? Carico will say they were planted there by scientists (or satan?). :rollinglaugh:
Despite the fact that these bones have been known about for centuries long before modern science or scientists. The Chinese knew about dinosaur bones, of course they didn't know what they were, they referred to them as "dragon bones" and Chinese culture is filled with myths about dragons. These bones could be found (and still are) in apothecary shops and crushed for medicinal purposes.
So is there really a conspiracy spanning hundreds of years, every continent on earth, hundreds and thousand so fossils, thousands of dig sites, and tens and thousand of scientists encompassing many different nations and cultures
or is Carico wrong?
You decide.