Reply to mimidamnit :
if you are guilty.. and evidence shows that you are without a doubt guilty..
The law has no legitimacy. Further, what if I am legally not guilty? You cannot obey one law and disobey another, it is inconsistent.
Also, consider the use of the pig-thugs to persecute minority poeple, or independant MP's for political reasons etc. What about "abuse of power" to target gay people by young aggresive cops? Most people have private possessions and a few skeletons in the closet. (Some literally have skeletons in the closet.) You could go to anyone's house and pick something illegal or something that could
potentially linked to a crime.
Consider so-called "corrupt cops". Why, if the pig-thugs become above the law...just become one! I have known many crims and murders in real life. I know one younger fellow who became a policeman for the sole purpose of abusing the rights of others and becoming a professional criminal.
I might leave the rest to FFreedoms. I think he can handle it. Since the law has zero Truth-based legitimacy, then I should not make too much comment on this thread.
then i dont think it should matter that your rights were violated..
The law was violated. At the time in question, the law was still in force. (Actually in australia, it is still the law to have a warrant or cause). I have the right. If it is OK to break the law, why can't I? Now, there is no way we are going to agree. But you are not talking about Scorpio here (Dirty Harry I).
if it will put you where you belong.. then you deserved to get caught..
It is all a mistake. I was not doing anything wrong. I just had certain items in My car boot. My use for these items was mis-interpreted.
Special NOTE : This is getting off topic. If someone would like to discuss My specific case, I suggest they start a new thread.
regardless of how they obtained that evidence.. ever hear of gut instinct..
There is no law allowing an officer to seach a motor vehicle on gut instinct. No crime was being investigated at the time, a fact he admits.
you may say you're superior.. but you're not invisible.. he didnt have a right under the law to search you.. but he felt he should..
Then the search is illegal.
and if that evidence proved your guilt.. it should be admissible..
I strongly disagree. I notice no reason was forthcoming. The point is that he only got the evidence by breaking the law.
it is after all his job.
It is not his job. His job is defined by the legislation. He was no investigating a crime, responding to a call etc. He pulled Me over and just kept trying to find something to "get Me on", because of TruthMedia.8k.com
how can you cry for the law.. when it suits you.. and then say that the law is all lies passed by societal leaders out to suppress us? seriously.
Yes, the law has no legitimacy in Truth. It is arbitrary. However, even though it is false and arbitrary, and has no business to exist in it's current form, the fact is that it
does exist.
Sure, there is no way that society can justify using the law against Me regardless of My action. That is the Truth. But society can hardly admit to that, can it?
Society itself does all the crime actions itself on a greater scale than I could ever do, but just gives it's exact same actions a different label. Somehow that makes it ok?
The Seer of Truth, however, takes advantage of anything he can - like a wild animal. I have no qualms lying through My back teeth to get an advantage. I have no qualms pretending that I believe in god if it will allow Me to manipulate the situation to My advantage. And so I have no qualms demanding society obey the law and stop this lastest and further unjust victimisation of My Superior person.
The law says what they must do : and if you say that the law does not count selectively when it suits you, then I can say the same.
let's say your child is murdered....[SNIP!]
The family unit structure has no legitimacy in Truth. So, if I had children, I would not care. I only look after Me. That is it. Everyone else, including children, can die in pain and I will not lift a finger to help them.
Of course, If I was murdered, then I would cease to exist. So I would not be
able to care either way. I imagine that would be cause for you celebration.