Why is the theory of evolution so relentlessly attacked and demonized? Why do zealots spend so much time trying to destroy it?
YouTube - 6th Foundational Falsehood of Creationism
Creationists of all religions show great distaste towards the theory of evolution not because it challenges belief in god but because it questions the authority of their holy books because to them it is either literally all true or god doesn't exist at all, which is why they expect evolution to account for everything including origin of the universe not just the diversification of life. This is why creationists always link evolution, abiogenesis and the big bang together under the name "evolutionism" as to minimize the sheer amount of scientific work allied against them. But it is difficult even for a young earth creationist to reject all science because it is impossible to deny the understanding and technology that has resulted from science so many will claim to support science or try to include creationism/ID as a science even though the totally reject the scientific method.
Other creationists go on to insist that if evolution were true people would be immoral or even if people believed in evolution they too would be immoral, from that you can understand why they work so hard to dismantle evolution.
I understand the importance of science and the scientific method so i will try to defend evolution.
1. Evolution accounts only for the origin of species not the origin of life.
2. Evolution does not support social darwinism.
3. Evolution being true does not disprove the existence of god or gods.
4. Humans did not come from monkeys, they evolved alongside humans
5. males and females evolve together at the same rate.
6. Evolution does not occur by chance.
7. Evolution has been observed.
8. All fossils are transitional fossils.
9. Not all species evolve at the same rate (if a species is perfectly adapted to their environment and the environment doesn't change the species won't evolve)
10. Disproving evolution would not prove creationism
11. There is no debate in the scientific community of whether evolution occurs or not.
12. The theory of evolution is not perfect and has been altered since darwin introduced it.
13. A theory (in science) is a logically self-consistent model or framework for describing the behavior of a related set of natural or social phenomena.
14. A theory in science is the strongest form of explanation.
15. Things cannot be "proved" in physical sciences, only "supported by evidence".
16. An irreducibly complex system has never been found.