DiversityDriven;56107 wrote:I asked if your believed, you said yes. That's all i require.
Belief by fact, not faith

That's where the line is drawn.
Quote:So what of the un-natural? If you can't see it, it ain't there? Kinda like black matter?
Well, it helps to call it by its proper name if you want to be taken seriously.
Here's the trick with dark matter. It's effects can be observed.
Quote:"Science does not try to refute it" What do you think the cause is? No opinion?
A phase transition. Simple enough. Already answered that one.
What's your opinion?
Quote:"but it does not allow for a supernatural one" Can it discount it 100%?
It can't discount it even 1%. The problem is it can't
account for it either. It's not scientific. Therefore, not science. NEXT.
Quote:Ask yourself that, goes against physics don't it?
Not at all.
Quote:But yet a trigger occured by your own judgement? And you to will not define nor be able to test your hypothesis, correct? Be it God or spaghetti?
I love debating creationists

It reminds me of teaching a dog card tricks.
A trigger? Yes. Cause? Phase transition. Pretty straightforward. We've one over this multiple times.
Quote:How very scientific of you, i might add that this is very objective of you as well?
Why, thank you. The facts point to what I explained, look them up for yourself.
Quote:You can't explain one, why should i ask about the other.
Now you've cranked the bulls*it meter to the max. You don't want to put your faith on the scientific block. You know it will fail. You know I will chop your argument into confetti and blow it in your face.
And enjoy every last bit of it
Quote:Do i have to know what i'm talking about? Doesn't appear so.
To not come out looking like a complete idiot, yes, kinda helps.
Quote:I seem to keep you runnin in circles fairly easy.
Just showing off my knowledge. It's fun, at your expense.
Quote:Who's we? And by near, how close is that?
We? Oh, we're the inhabitants of a place known as "reality".
"Near" is not a distance. Sheesh, you can't even get THAT right. Read the words "near instant". That means it was an almost instantaneous change.
Wow, this is what humanity breeds? We're screwed.