@jeafl cv,
jeafl;63351 wrote:You know this beyond a shadow of a doubt how?
Because the reason we have oxygen in the first place is due to a process known as photosynthesis, where simple life forms converted sunlight and carbon dioxide into oxygen. The thing that plants do. This is great since all the volcanic activity during that time released tons and tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Quote:Depending on what data you want to keep and what you want to reject and what your starting opinion is, you cam make research say anything you want it to say.
If the data is altered for the sake of making an argument, then further data collection and scrutinizing will point it out. This is the
exact reason for peer review, one of the most important facets of the scientific method. This is how the cold fusion hoax some 20 years ago was discovered... the data just didn't pan out in peer review.
You really don't understand the scientific method of inquiry, do you?