@Greatest I am cv,
I really hate to agree with you anymore greatest because most of your posts are like a strange dream world you must be living in , as you have failed to answer any of my posts about the fact this world is obviously imperfect while you continue to insist it is ????????? Since you have not explained yourself I have to come to the conclusion that you like other die hards are not willing to look at your beliefs logically and examine them for truth.
But this post of yours I have to say is on target.
But God did not commit incest , Jesus is not God , he was the son of God the first born of many brethren incluing you, died for you, campbell and yes even me a daughter of God.
Greatest I am;37695 wrote:If the foulness of God is within Jesus then Mary was a victim of incest for God would have used His own mother to reproduce Himself. Strange concept. Right?