@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;37175 wrote:I do not read the Bible literally. There are no talking snakes in reality.
What Biblical story are we talking about here?
If there is a book then there is no free will, right?
Any Bibical story. You pick one. I know snakes don't speak. But if God, wanted rocks to grow they would. From a pebble to becoming a mountain.
Why say if there is (I take it by book you mean Bible) then there is no free will of choice? You made a free choice to type that didn't you?
Demons are round and about. Angels are to, thank the Lord Jesus.
Like many I think you miss the real meaning of His, plan for humanity I know I do in some ways.
Satan knowing His, plan is and has always sought a way to destroy it. But no matter how many ways over the centuries evil has tried to keep the Holy word from us evil has failed.
And many readers of the Holy word are blind to it's truths. I was for a long while. And it has been many years sense I got it right like it was for me before getting married again. Like most women Donna, my wife saw that all the items I brought into the marriage got removed. Except the things needed for yard work and taking care of the cars. lol So I never unpacked my Bibles and study materials till moving back here. And many study items and books are still in the boxes in the garage. But I am regaining their use.
Yes there is a Hell and it is six feet under. See Luke 16, vs 19 through 31.
Where one is aware that he is separated from God.
We were made in His image Body, Soul and Spirit. With the one thing that allows humans to decide their future. FREE WILL of CHOICE. Use it wisely, I say. If your name is in the Book of Life then there are three things you as a human can do to have it removed.
1. Deny the Holy Spirits involvement in Christ's birth.
2. Have a sheared conscious.
3. Accept the mark of the Beast.
Oh yes as I don't believe in once saved always saved no matter what. One can become a back slider or just turn away from Him. But if in that condition you at the last moment cry out His, name and ask for forgiveness. I believe you will get it if you haven't done one of the 3 things above.
Now ask any question you might and I shall give it my lowly best shot.