Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 08:32 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;36783 wrote:
In most things yes.
In choosing not to go to Heaven, no
Hell, if it existed is not an option. We cannot escape our Heavenly destiny.





Will all be in your heaven?
Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 09:08 am
wvpeach;36786 wrote:
Well Greatest

I have not run into Satan the king of this world ,( Thank God) but I have run into a couple of demons. I know its hard to believe , but I am not crazy and they were in people. I believe God revealed them to me to warn me what I was dealing with.

The obvious question is what did they look like and how did you know they were demons and not angels?
Why would God allow such powerful entities to mess with us lowly humans?

Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 09:13 am
JesusDiedForU;36788 wrote:



Will all be in your heaven?

Were they created by God?
Are all of God's works Perfect?
Do we not all do the bidding of God?
Yes to all of the above.
Even Satan, if he existed, would be here with God's blessing. If not then God would end his existence.

Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 09:28 am
@Greatest I am cv,
They were indwelling people , The demon was made visible to me it seemed to melt out of the person, till the face of the person receded and the demon appeared. It was ugly, bumpy, grayish skin, a beak like nose, large black eyes, a very long neck that turned in strange ways. A mouth that looked black inside. Tell you the truth I did not look too long. Both times that it happened I received god's message loud and clear and did not need to stare for long.

The Holy Spirit allowed me to see this demon I believe to make me aware that while I was trying to help this person I was in danger if I did not realize what I was dealing with. I was unable to help this person as I would have liked and as far as I know they still are living with this demon. I talk to them sometimes on the phone , but have not seen him for several years.

You asked why would God allow such powerful entities to mess with us lowly humans ?

Well why did God create Man? Why did God create evil ? Why is satan the current king of this world?

Because God did not want mindless creation to spend a eternity with. God wants beings that are on a close enough level to his intellect that we can be company to him for eternity. Go wants us to be on a level that he can enjoy our company and that we can truly be called his sons and daughters.

How would we ever know the goodness of God , how could we appreciate even what good is if that was all we had ever known was good and happiness?

We will know how good and great God is because we have seen how bad and evil Satan is.

We will know happiness and really appeciate it , because we have known what its like to be sad.

We can feel sympathy for the hungry because we have been hungry ourselves

We seek love and avoid hate because this world has shown us both.

God had to create both evil and good to allow creation to learn for itself the difference, and in this way we will be able to appreciate the goodness and magnificence of our creator when this world is finished and we are in his presence.

Greatest I am;36798 wrote:
The obvious question is what did they look like and how did you know they were demons and not angels?
Why would God allow such powerful entities to mess with us lowly humans?

Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 09:36 am
wvpeach;36803 wrote:
They were indwelling people , The demon was made visible to me it seemed to melt out of the person, till the face of the person receded and the demon appeared. It was ugly, bumpy, grayish skin, a beak like nose, large black eyes, a very long neck that turned in strange ways. A mouth that looked black inside. Tell you the truth I did not look too long. Both times that it happened I received god's message loud and clear and did not need to stare for long.

The Holy Spirit allowed me to see this demon I believe to make me aware that while I was trying to help this person I was in danger if I did not realize what I was dealing with. I was unable to help this person as I would have liked and as far as I know they still are living with this demon. I talk to them sometimes on the phone , but have not seen him for several years.

You asked why would God allow such powerful entities to mess with us lowly humans ?

Well why did God create Man? Why did God create evil ? Why is satan the current king of this world?

Because God did not want mindless creation to spend a eternity with. God wants beings that are on a close enough level to his intellect that we can be company to him for eternity. Go wants us to be on a level that he can enjoy our company and that we can truly be called his sons and daughters.

How would we ever know the goodness of God , how could we appreciate even what good is if that was all we had ever known was good and happiness?

We will know how good and great God is because we have seen how bad and evil Satan is.

We will know happiness and really appeciate it , because we have known what its like to be sad.

We can feel sympathy for the hungry because we have been hungry ourselves

We seek love and avoid hate because this world has shown us both.

God had to create both evil and good to allow creation to learn for itself the difference, and in this way we will be able to appreciate the goodness and magnificence of our creator when this world is finished and we are in his presence.

I hear what you say on good and evil and hope that there are as many angels in your world as demons. I think that God's universe is in balance and if so then let us know when you spot the angels. You may be due soon.

Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 09:51 am
@Greatest I am cv,

God has sent angels to tell me things I needed to know and do twice .

I am with you , I think the good far out weighs the bad and good angels out number the bad that have fallen.:headbang:

Greatest I am;36805 wrote:
I hear what you say on good and evil and hope that there are as many angels in your world as demons. I think that God's universe is in balance and if so then let us know when you spot the angels. You may be due soon.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 01:10 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;36800 wrote:
Were they created by God?
Are all of God's works Perfect?
Do we not all do the bidding of God?
Yes to all of the above.
Even Satan, if he existed, would be here with God's blessing. If not then God would end his existence.


Jesus said no murder or adulterer will enter heaven.

Are you telling me the truth or is Jesus?
Greatest I am cv
Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 08:15 am
JesusDiedForU;36847 wrote:
Jesus said no murder or adulterer will enter heaven.

Are you telling me the truth or is Jesus?

I am saying that all souls are created Perfect by God.
How many then would you store in a non existent hell.

Or do you see God creating imperfect works?
Why would He?

Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 12:12 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;37014 wrote:
I am saying that all souls are created Perfect by God.
How many then would you store in a non existent hell.

Or do you see God creating imperfect works?
Why would He?


YOU say murderers WILL go to heaven.

JESUS says murderers WILL NOT go to heaven.

Is Jesus correct? YES or NO?
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 12:02 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;36764 wrote:
I limit no one. I just think that God has no need of imaginary friends.
We have feared Satan from day one and yet the King of the earth has yet to make an appearance.
Does this not tell you something?

Do you think it fair for God to allow a Satanic talking snake to go against an innocent Eve. Why do you thin God would allow such an unequal fight? Why would He punish Eve who would be bound to loose?
This would be worse than God fixing the fight.


I guess it is do you or do you not believe the Bibical story. I save the questions I find for later once (if I am in the book of life when death comes) I am in His, presence. And I think by then I won't have any questions.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 05:43 am
JesusDiedForU;37048 wrote:
YOU say murderers WILL go to heaven.

JESUS says murderers WILL NOT go to heaven.

Is Jesus correct? YES or NO?

Jesus was wrong.
He was trying to become mediator between men and God.
God has no need for a mediator.
It is not surprising that He would not be.
He already had the titles of redeemer and savior.
If we are all redeemed and saved then why would anyone need a mediator.
Logical. right?

Greatest I am cv
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 05:48 am
mlurp;37150 wrote:
I guess it is do you or do you not believe the Bibical story. I save the questions I find for later once (if I am in th ebook of life when death comes) I am in His, presence. And I think by then I won't have any questions.

I do not read the Bible literally. There are no talking snakes in reality.
What Biblical story are we talking about here?

If there is a book then there is no free will, right?

Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 10:04 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;37174 wrote:
Jesus was wrong.
He was trying to become mediator between men and God.
God has no need for a mediator.
It is not surprising that He would not be.
He already had the titles of redeemer and savior.
If we are all redeemed and saved then why would anyone need a mediator.
Logical. right?


Well there are millions of people that believe that Jesus IS God. They believe the words he spoke are COMPLETELY accurate. And these people believe Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven. Also, these millions of people believe Jesus when He talked about hell in 1/3 of his ministery.

Yet in a religion that YOU HAVE CREATED... all these people and everyone else in the world will go to heaven.

That type of thinking conflicts with almost every religion and is based on NOTHING.

Any thoughts?
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 01:52 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;37175 wrote:
I do not read the Bible literally. There are no talking snakes in reality.
What Biblical story are we talking about here?

If there is a book then there is no free will, right?


Any Bibical story. You pick one. I know snakes don't speak. But if God, wanted rocks to grow they would. From a pebble to becoming a mountain.

Why say if there is (I take it by book you mean Bible) then there is no free will of choice? You made a free choice to type that didn't you?
Demons are round and about. Angels are to, thank the Lord Jesus.
Like many I think you miss the real meaning of His, plan for humanity I know I do in some ways.
Satan knowing His, plan is and has always sought a way to destroy it. But no matter how many ways over the centuries evil has tried to keep the Holy word from us evil has failed.
And many readers of the Holy word are blind to it's truths. I was for a long while. And it has been many years sense I got it right like it was for me before getting married again. Like most women Donna, my wife saw that all the items I brought into the marriage got removed. Except the things needed for yard work and taking care of the cars. lol So I never unpacked my Bibles and study materials till moving back here. And many study items and books are still in the boxes in the garage. But I am regaining their use.
Yes there is a Hell and it is six feet under. See Luke 16, vs 19 through 31.
Where one is aware that he is separated from God.
We were made in His image Body, Soul and Spirit. With the one thing that allows humans to decide their future. FREE WILL of CHOICE. Use it wisely, I say. If your name is in the Book of Life then there are three things you as a human can do to have it removed.
1. Deny the Holy Spirits involvement in Christ's birth.
2. Have a sheared conscious.
3. Accept the mark of the Beast.
Oh yes as I don't believe in once saved always saved no matter what. One can become a back slider or just turn away from Him. But if in that condition you at the last moment cry out His, name and ask for forgiveness. I believe you will get it if you haven't done one of the 3 things above.
Now ask any question you might and I shall give it my lowly best shot.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 08:26 am
JesusDiedForU;37274 wrote:
Well there are millions of people that believe that Jesus IS God. They believe the words he spoke are COMPLETELY accurate. And these people believe Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven. Also, these millions of people believe Jesus when He talked about hell in 1/3 of his ministery.

Yet in a religion that YOU HAVE CREATED... all these people and everyone else in the world will go to heaven.

That type of thinking conflicts with almost every religion and is based on NOTHING.

Any thoughts?

The carrot and stick God was supposed to move over for the God of love with the ministry of Jesus.
If you are to believe in Jesus then why not allow Him to redeem the whole world? Why not let Him be the savior of the whole world? Why just a small piece?
Why relegate Him to just a small portion of the whole?
You make God a back slider by saying that He would allow an ugly called Hell, to blemish His once Perfect reality.

A poor report card indeed.

Greatest I am cv
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 08:33 am
mlurp;37313 wrote:
Any Bibical story. You pick one. I know snakes don't speak. But if God, wanted rocks to grow they would. From a pebble to becoming a mountain.

Why say if there is (I take it by book you mean Bible) then there is no free will of choice? You made a free choice to type that didn't you?
Demons are round and about. Angels are to, thank the Lord Jesus.
Like many I think you miss the real meaning of His, plan for humanity I know I do in some ways.
Satan knowing His, plan is and has always sought a way to destroy it. But no matter how many ways over the centuries evil has tried to keep the Holy word from us evil has failed.
And many readers of the Holy word are blind to it's truths. I was for a long while. And it has been many years sense I got it right like it was for me before getting married again. Like most women Donna, my wife saw that all the items I brought into the marriage got removed. Except the things needed for yard work and taking care of the cars. lol So I never unpacked my Bibles and study materials till moving back here. And many study items and books are still in the boxes in the garage. But I am regaining their use.
Yes there is a Hell and it is six feet under. See Luke 16, vs 19 through 31.
Where one is aware that he is separated from God.
We were made in His image Body, Soul and Spirit. With the one thing that allows humans to decide their future. FREE WILL of CHOICE. Use it wisely, I say. If your name is in the Book of Life then there are three things you as a human can do to have it removed.
1. Deny the Holy Spirits involvement in Christ's birth.
2. Have a sheared conscious.
3. Accept the mark of the Beast.
Oh yes as I don't believe in once saved always saved no matter what. One can become a back slider or just turn away from Him. But if in that condition you at the last moment cry out His, name and ask for forgiveness. I believe you will get it if you haven't done one of the 3 things above.
Now ask any question you might and I shall give it my lowly best shot.

Make up your mind as to how you are to read the Bible. You take some of it literally and some not. What will it be?

As to what book I was speaking of, you are the one who mentioned being in the book of life. If it exists then what happens to your free will. If your destiny is already writen then where is free will?

Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 11:49 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;37453 wrote:
The carrot and stick God was supposed to move over for the God of love with the ministry of Jesus.
If you are to believe in Jesus then why not allow Him to redeem the whole world? Why not let Him be the savior of the whole world? Why just a small piece?
Why relegate Him to just a small portion of the whole?
You make God a back slider by saying that He would allow an ugly called Hell, to blemish His once Perfect reality.

A poor report card indeed.



Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 03:09 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;37457 wrote:
Make up your mind as to how you are to read the Bible. You take some of it literally and some not. What will it be?

As to what book I was speaking of, you are the one who mentioned being in the book of life. If it exists then what happens to your free will. If your destiny is already written then where is free will?


Where did you see me waver? I believe and try to follow a Way. But I am human and therefore not as perfect as I could be ( and Jesus, says, I should be as His, father is in heaven)
Knowing as born with original sin I could never do that good.
The large dark portion is what I was talking about try to get further along with the reasoning.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 07:17 am
JesusDiedForU;37533 wrote:

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

If only a few find it then God must be incompetent in the creation of souls.
At one time He made them Perfect but I guess that He lost the knack at some point in time.

Can you say when God became incompetent and started to screw up on the creation of souls?

A poor report card indeed when Hell is larger than Heaven.

Greatest I am cv
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 07:21 am
mlurp;37660 wrote:
Where did you see me waver? I believe and try to follow a Way. But I am human and therefore not as perfect as I could be ( and Jesus, says, I should be as His, father is in heaven)
Knowing as born with original sin I could never do that good.
The large dark portion is what I was talking about try to get further along with the reasoning.

Only an incompetent God would create a new soul with a blemish called original sin on it.
Make God a bit more competent in your eyes and perhaps we can talk.

My God makes all souls Perfect and without blemish. He is powerful enough. Why is your God so weak that He cannot?

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