Reagaknight;20266 wrote:No one can prove that. I would say that one, single, perfect being was needed for the job to avoid any serious competition.
No one can prove who or what did it and to give credit to the Judeo-christian-muslim God is unacceptable. We have no proof that he actually did it other than someone claimed he did in a 2,000 year old book.
So when we teach intelligent design in class we must not put one religions above the others and stating that the Judeo-christian-Muslim god is responsible is clearly favoring monotheism and excluding polytheism which discriminates against Hindus and Wiccan and pagans.
So Intellent designe would go like this... He/she/it/they are responsible for the design of the universe and the human race.
Also we must also put the option on the table that it may not be a God that did it at all but an Alien race simply more advanced as ourselves.
We are talking about putting other theories on the table? We should not exclude the alien theory just because some people don't believe in aliens just as the God theory should not be totally discredited because some people do not believe in a God.
If you believers want intelligent designs in our schools it will be stipulated that one religion cannot be favored over another and you must include gods as well as God.