I will believe when.....

Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2007 07:01 am
@Skye cv,
Actually, it was precisely during the Middle Ages that God and Western Man laid the foundations for definitive Christian Civilization. Our existence today owes much to that achievement.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2007 07:20 am
Silverchild79;21322 wrote:

Men are only physically stronger. Dominance based on that is Neanderthalic logic still in use today by many pack animals, primates, and the Judea/Christian/Muslim subcultures :peace:

in-fact women usually outpace men in the realms of English and Writing

I agree totally, my reference was to the physical sense.
Dominance based on that is Neanderthalic logic still in use today by many pack animals, primates, and the Judea/Christian/Muslim subcultures :peace:
But logic none the less. We as men understand something about women and we use it verywell to our benefit. All you have to do is study females interacting and you will come up with what i believe all by yourself.
You gotta figure that there are only two thing in this life that dictate most peoples actions with exception to those who qualify for the Darwin award. What makes you feel good you gravitate twards, what makes you feel bad you turn away from. Every decision in your life boils down to one of these. Some might call it fight or flight. IMO the only reason you would not spring to flight is the knowledge or logic that you deem will allow you to win the fight?
in-fact women usually outpace men in the realms of English and Writing
Also in the workplace, they kick our ass. Not physically mind you. IMO this is also one of there downfalls. Men supposedly have more apptitude for killing. Women have more aptitude for being viscious among there own sex, IMO. Men tend to stick together (example-wife walks up in a bar where she new i was at. there is a female to my right and a male to my left. Women gets up and leaves, i go to the john, she asks the gentlemen that was next to me, who didn't know me form Adam if i was with the girl? He says no, we were not there together. I talked to both people while i was there. There was noway he new but yet he would lie for me? Women, this all most never happens, with men it is common.) And women do not.

I have alot of thoughts and observations on this but maybe it should be in another thread if Skye minds?
0 Replies
Skye cv
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2007 07:37 am

Good post - and I enjoyed your thoughts about gravitating towards comfort zones as I call em..... agreed.

Please feel free to expand, morph or whatever you wish - any thread or topic you wish.

The beauty of forums is the freedom to roam without restraint.

I personally have done some exploration on confronting things which displease me - which in real life I would remove myself from rather than get into them. Learning how we behave outside our areas of expertise / comfort tells us how we survive negativity, what we can change, and whether we are totally committed to our opinions.

It is not a pleasant exercise - but a worthy one on occasion.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2007 07:46 am
@Skye cv,
Skye;21377 wrote:

I hope I didn't offend you - I simply have little faith in a doctrine which gives us preference for males and incorporates a 'virgin' birth into its teachings.
Mary is secondary and could not even been anecdoted as having a child the real way - by human birth.

Any Saints I worship if that ever comes about will have lived the human experience and found answers which would be productive for me to know in my own life.

If religion cannot accept that humans are creatures with dual identity in sexuality yet on an equal footing - then what kind of path does religion wish us to follow with all its impossible tales.

Religion chooses to remain in the dark ages whereas science is bringing the sun and knowledge into our lives and we cannot deny its' fact finding any longer.
If religion cannot accept that humans are creatures with dual identity in sexuality yet on an equal footing
Religion does accept this, You are forced to identify a male as male and female, female. The footing is equal as both are players in the game. It would be one thing if sex wasn't also played out by advantage of how sex is used to get what you want. For the most part you do not see males using there sexuality for achievement which IMO is prodominant in most prefessional workplaces with females. Is there a adult female who had not used here sexuality to persuade a situation one way or another? This in one thins in the females arsenal that the males do not have access too. Is it fair, no. But it is part of the game.
then what kind of path does religion wish us to follow with all its impossible tales.
The one path that leads to God. He's already told us how to get there, our only difference is which path we all shall chose. I hope i'm one the right path, you?
Religion chooses to remain in the dark ages whereas science is bringing the sun and knowledge into our lives and we cannot deny its' fact finding any longer
Not so, IMO. Religion is alot of the reason science is what it is. I think i'm a pretty good example of this. My moniker under my Avatar for a long time was "Christian Scientist" Alot think the two cannot be put together, but i bet i can prove different, LOL.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2007 08:01 am
@Red cv,
Red;21440 wrote:
Quote from I am: I think you are the one doing that with your homophobia.


Lord love a duck, we have a Liberal who's ethos, mantra and war cry is (I coined this phrase)"Absolute Tolerance or Else" I will demean you, call you hateful names and a host of other vile actions. Heads up I am you are 100 times more intolerant than Pino because YOU force your believes of tolerance to the extreme down the throat of those who feel else wise. You aren't more tolerant than him because you think being gay is cool, your side, if you get your way, would force any and all perverted life styles down devotly religious peoples throats until they drown. Nothing is sacred to your group except freaks, geeks and pervs. Well here's the scoop, Peno is a devote Christian and he believes his beliefs to his very core and yet you have no tolerance for him.

Skye, interesting question. I left the Catholic church because it's beliefs are backwards and very subjugative to women. No rules for the males thou, just the females first birth control, signing over the souls of your children upon birth etc. From there I went to the Salavation Army and learned what giving to your community meant. I can't remember the Catholic Church doing ONE thing for the poor or needy just the never ending Church Roof fund. Religion does need to come out of the dark ages but any organization that is male dominated and run will make sure that never happens like the Catholic Church. It's loss, over time this religion is losing more members than it can recruit. I can see it becoming a mere shell of what it is now unless reforms take place but it is a religion based on pomp and ceremony so fat chance of that happening. :dunno:
Great post Red, i just have one comment.
but any organization that is male dominated and run will make sure that never happens
That pretty sums up mankinds existence to this point. How do you explain the progression Christianity has made this world thus far? Feeling oppression is in the mind not words from a book or those who interpret it, IMO.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2007 11:02 am
@Skye cv,
Dr - don't let them give you any crap. I am in touch with my feminine side and love my wife also. The fact that she's a fox and 10 years younger than me also helps.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2007 07:43 pm
rugonnacry;21427 wrote:
It makes me chuckle every time VOl posts scripture to back HIS word as being correct, but when someone *ME* posts scripture that makes his god look like a pile o' poop, Suddenly its "Taken out of context" Kepp on preaching brother.

Well if you'd not take the scripture out of context so it means something other than it does, I wouldn't have to point out that you've taken it out of context. Now would I?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2007 08:21 pm
@Skye cv,
Its hard to accept the ctiticism of "Your taking it out of context" And what context is the blatant description of Rape Murder and Slavery to be taken?

Since obviously I am taking it out of said context.
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 09:36 am
socalgolfguy;21517 wrote:
Dr - don't let them give you any crap. I am in touch with my feminine side and love my wife also. The fact that she's a fox and 10 years younger than me also helps.
Haha, i don't think there giving me crap. I too an very in tune with my feminine side, i'm very secure with my sexuality. I find my wife very beautiful and so do most other men. Where ever we go rare is the day she doesn't get hit on. Most men lean towards violence when they consider there property being violated, not me. Some guys go too far IMO but she handle's most any situation well and rarely asks me to intervene. But she knows once she asks me i will not hesitate.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 10:59 am
@Skye cv,
Good man.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 11:52 am
rugonnacry;21590 wrote:
Its hard to accept the ctiticism of "Your taking it out of context" And what context is the blatant description of Rape Murder and Slavery to be taken?

Since obviously I am taking it out of said context.

I second that motion.
Personally I think God should be on trial for crimes against humanity.

mass murder
serial killing
abuse of power
ect and so on

Ethics charges should be brought against him.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 01:49 pm
STNGfan;21826 wrote:
I second that motion.
Personally I think God should be on trial for crimes against humanity.

mass murder
serial killing
abuse of power
ect and so on

Ethics charges should be brought against him.

Only if you read the Bible literally will you find God guilty.
If you do not then He would be found innocent.

Is there a judge in the house of debates.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 08:52 pm
STNGfan;21826 wrote:
I second that motion.
Personally I think God should be on trial for crimes against humanity.

mass murder
serial killing
abuse of power
ect and so on

Ethics charges should be brought against him.

We either respect (honor) God or we reject God.

Reasons we use for rejecting God include hurt and anger due to something (or many things) we believe God should have protected us from or some slight or intolerance we perceive in Him that obviously, we don't have in us. Therefore we see ourselves as somehow better than God. Otherwise we wouldn't have the hubris to sit in judgement of Him.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 08:54 pm
@Skye cv,
Skye;20224 wrote:
When God gives us a Daughter "Imaculata".

When equality in religious dogma lifts itself out of the quagmire of medieval times and presents us answers to reality not parables when we were undereducated and drooled at magical messages and reveled in the superiority of the male species while subjugating the female.

I am not anti-religious , nor am I a ranting feminist. I am just looking for something I can believe in - one of those key beliefs being equality of all humans... no caveats allowed.

Would you rather God had sent His only begotten Daughter to redeem the world, then read about Her passion? Biblical passion? Why the hangup on the gender?
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 09:06 pm
@Skye cv,
Have you ever heard the sound track for Jesus Christ Superstar? One song asks why Jesus came when there was no mass communication. Is that another reason to reject His Word?

In the years Jesus lived males were dominant in society. Yet, who did He appear to when He returned from the dead? Two women witnessed His return first.

On another note, could it be that man and woman are two parts of a whole? We could be like the binary liquid draino, nothing without the other, but efficacious when mixed. And the two became one flesh. I wonder what that means? A house divided against itself cannot stand. Humm, I wonder what that means?
0 Replies
Greatest I am cv
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 07:25 am
Volunteer;21952 wrote:
Would you rather God had sent His only begotten Daughter to redeem the world, then read about Her passion? Biblical passion? Why the hangup on the gender?

My God is a God of inclusion and Perfect.
He makes all souls Perfect.
Jesus is my guide to Him and His philosophy.
Volunteer if I recall is a homophobe and likes to class people so I don't think his God is a God of inclusion. More like a God who excludes imperfect souls.

Skye cv
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 10:50 am
Volunteer;21952 wrote:
Would you rather God had sent His only begotten Daughter to redeem the world, then read about Her passion? Biblical passion? Why the hangup on the gender?


Without going into detail - to me the Deity is genderless.

Mankind (humankind) wrote the historical scriptures and lessons - and as we all know we are imperfect.

I would prefer that man or woman be released from gender in our devotionals because the modern churches have followed the historical record literally - which is inarguably a male-dominated liturgy whereas I think both genders are equally holy and important.

It isn't even a man vs. woman thing for me - as you have immediately misinterpreted - and for that very reason is why I suggest that perhaps
Jesus/Mary/and the original believers (according to Christianity) were way
out of line giving virgin birth, and denoting one singular individual as God's Son or God on Earth. I believe simply the original teachers were simply humans - nothing more. And everything to us.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 11:42 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;22022 wrote:
My God is a God of inclusion and Perfect.
He makes all souls Perfect.
Jesus is my guide to Him and His philosophy.
Volunteer if I recall is a homophobe and likes to class people so I don't think his God is a God of inclusion. More like a God who excludes imperfect souls.


There is only one God.
Reply Tue 26 Jun, 2007 12:14 am
@Skye cv,
Skye;20224 wrote:
When God gives us a Daughter "Imaculata".

When equality in religious dogma lifts itself out of the quagmire of medieval times and presents us answers to reality not parables when we were undereducated and drooled at magical messages and reveled in the superiority of the male species while subjugating the female.

I am not anti-religious , nor am I a ranting feminist. I am just looking for something I can believe in - one of those key beliefs being equality of all humans... no caveats allowed.

Sounds to me like your looking for heaven on earth. Thats not going to happen until Christ returns, and before Christ returns things are going to get much worse. The Jews are not back in Israel by accident, Gods plans are unfolding, and few understand or can see.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Tue 26 Jun, 2007 08:33 am
Volunteer;22107 wrote:
There is only one God.

That is exactly right. That is why He includes us all into Heaven, even homosexuals. Perhaps homosexuals even have a preferred place because they are made to suffer injustice needlessly here on earth by those of little understanding of God.


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