
Reply Wed 25 Apr, 2007 07:21 pm
As a Christian nationalist in the spirit of CHRISTENDOM, I want to see Islam disabled, oppressed and kept OUT of the West, forever.
Reply Wed 25 Apr, 2007 08:00 pm
Pinochet73;13707 wrote:
As a Christian nationalist in the spirit of CHRISTENDOM, I want to see Islam disabled, oppressed and kept OUT of the West, forever.

Im not disagreeing with you, but why
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Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 06:11 am
Pinochet73;13707 wrote:
As a Christian nationalist in the spirit of CHRISTENDOM, I want to see Islam disabled, oppressed and kept OUT of the West, forever.

oppression is oppression no mater what. so IMO that puts you on par with slave traders, hitler, pol pot, and various other dirt bags that left their **** stain on history. I don't want to come across as attacking you personally but instead of attacking all of islam why not just attack those in islam who deserve it, the ones who pervert it to their own ends. don't forget your own christian heritage and the "holy crusaids", no diffrent then jihad, but was long enough ago it is conviently forgoten.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 08:05 am
Silverchild79;13552 wrote:
by name Sharia is only a Muslim concept yes

It is not their religion, it is any aspect of any religion which oppresses others, with which we are at war with.

If the Catholic Church was still doing the inquisition across Europe we'd oppose that as well

that's not exactly right.
Sharia law is the same as civil law here.

and yes it is their religion.
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Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 08:06 am
@B A N A N A S,
B A N A N A S;13454 wrote:
If you read the Koran . .. specifically the parts about what is reserved for "non-muslims", you will see that their religion (if wrongly interpreted) is a horrible thing to practice.

Radical muslims should be considered very dangerous.

and the penalty is death.
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Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 08:12 am
Sharia law:
Human interaction, or al-mu'amalat, which includes:
Financial transactions
Laws of inheritance
Marriage, divorce, and child care
Foods and drinks (including ritual slaughtering and hunting)
Penal punishments
Warfare and peace
Judicial matters (including witnesses and forms of evidence)

under sharia law women are stoned to death for adultry. and people are hanged or beheaded for converting to Christianity. by a court of law within the government.
this is very clear.

In Saudi Arabia they are 100% Islamic, again, you cannot convert your religion or you are sentenced to death.
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Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 01:54 pm
The Islamic way of life is fundamentally different then that of the two other major religions of the world. (Jewish is not a major religion, only 15 million jews worldwide) The three major religions are Islam @ 1.2 billion, Christianity @ 2.1 billion and Hindu, (not sure of population). Islam is the most demanding in that they require submission of all those before it. They will fight to the death for this submission. It is socially antiquated and barbaric, Women have no rights, and if it were not for the internation condemnation it would bring, there would still be an active slave trade. Islam does not preach tolerance, either you convert under sharia law or you die. The seperation of church and state is as alien a concept to them as a purple headed people eater is to us. The reliance upon the lack of education of it's masses is what keeps their leaders in power.
If you want primary examples of islamic states see Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Saudia Arabia, Afghanistan, etc...
You want primary examples of predominantly Christian cultures, Which by the way respect the seperation of church and state for the most part, seek out most European nations, United States, and Many South American countries. The level of advancement in the society with regard to socio-economic standing and tolerance of differences is striking. There is a reason why Islamic countries are so far behind in almost every regard.
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Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 04:53 pm
NOOTRAC22;13767 wrote:
oppression is oppression no mater what. so IMO that puts you on par with slave traders, hitler, pol pot, and various other dirt bags that left their **** stain on history. I don't want to come across as attacking you personally but instead of attacking all of islam why not just attack those in islam who deserve it, the ones who pervert it to their own ends. don't forget your own christian heritage and the "holy crusaids", no diffrent then jihad, but was long enough ago it is conviently forgoten.

i agree
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Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 05:15 pm
"Im not disagreeing with you, but why"

Violent religion coupled with barbaric cultures.
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Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 05:16 pm
The language of 'total tolerance of everything' is impractical, unrealistic and suicidal. No thanks.
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Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2007 12:15 am
The brief history of Islam: Abraham (common ancestor to the "Big 3") had a dream in which God told him he was going to have a son who would make him the father of many nations. Abraham, being over 100 at the time with a wife not far behind, decided to try his younger Egyptian servant, Hagar, to sort of give God a helping hand. Product: Ishmael. Soon after his ancient wife actually had a kid: Isac. With a "real" son now the "bastard" son, Ishmael, was ignored and raised by Hagar on a mish-mosh of gods, combining the god that Abraham worshiped along with stories of the Egyptian gods. Ishmael went on to father a line of descendants that lead to Mohammad and Islam. Isac was brought up strictly on Abraham's belief and fathered the line of descendants that became Judaism which, in turn, gave us Jesus and Christianity. Ironically, Abraham indeed became the father of many, many nations ...and religions ...and wars...

Both Judaism and Islam are ethnically originated religions stemming directly from the same man in history. Thus, a Jew or Muslim can be either ethnic, religious, or both. As you might expect, Yhwh/Elohim and Allah have the same origins, and thus many of the same attributes. Both depict an all powerful, law and vengeance oriented deity, although the ancient Jewish prophets also attributed a coexistent softer compassionate side to God ...which Islam left out. Jews and Christians differ categorically on the subject of Jesus but otherwise worship the same god.

Just as the vast majority of religious Jews are Reformed Jew (read: "we think the stories and traditions are quaint and like taking all those holidays") with only a small minority that follow the orthodox faith, and the vast majority of Christians are only nominally so(read the same as the Reformed Jews) with only a minority who zealously adhere to the orthodoxy, the majority of Muslims are quite liberal in their faith and only a relatively small number of Muslims can be labeled zealots. These few are the ones keen on spreading Islam by killing everyone else.

As to whether or not Islam is bad I have this to say. My own limited experience tells me that the fundamental teachings of Islam are, in truth, quite violent. This I do not know first hand. I do know that any religion practiced for the sake of practicing a religion is useless and purposeless. Anyone, claiming any belief, who does not zealously believe it in their heart and apply the principles of that belief in their everyday life is nothing more than a pawn pandering after someone else's (probably political) agenda. Of those who are left, the question is of who is eternally right. It is a question that science cannot answer and the Truth has decided to not step forward in all glory to settle the dispute.
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Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2007 01:33 am
Silverchild79;13404 wrote:
The major difference here is that Jews don't still believe that you should stone your children and Christians don't still think homosexuals should be put to death (book of Romans for any Christians who are thinking I'm blasting their faith)

I believe that you are referring to Romans 1:27, 32.

The author, Paul, is waxing eloquent on the the sorry state of mankind in general and includes homosexual acts (v.27) in the list of debaucheries. In conclusion he writes:

"Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them." (Romans 1:32)

But, the very next sentence reads:

"You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things." (Romans 2:1)

So do Christians blindly oppose homosexuality, not realizing that the Bible says it's ok, or at least to be expected? After all:

"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death." (Romans 8:1)

"What then? Shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace? By no means! Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey--whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?" (Romans 6:15-16)

Christianity has never held that homosexuals should be put to death. Christians on the individual level are an entirely different story. The notoriety the Christian community has for homo-phobia is the result of an equal-opportunity psychological phenomenon that has built upon itself in the church because Christians tend to hang out together as well as by the secular misinterpretation of the choice of many churches to not allow homosexuals into pastoral positions.

The ideal orthodox Christian will never judge you for what you do wrong but neither will they happily accept your willful and belligerent defiance of Judeo-Christian law. That is only if you have chosen to be a Christian yourself. If not, there is no sense in obeying laws laid down by a god you do not believe in. However, be prepare to receive an admonishment about your impending judgment and subsequent damnation at the hands of the god you do not believe in.
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Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2007 01:55 pm
NOOTRAC22;13767 wrote:
oppression is oppression no mater what. so IMO that puts you on par with slave traders, hitler, pol pot, and various other dirt bags that left their **** stain on history. I don't want to come across as attacking you personally but instead of attacking all of islam why not just attack those in islam who deserve it, the ones who pervert it to their own ends. don't forget your own christian heritage and the "holy crusaids", no diffrent then jihad, but was long enough ago it is conviently forgoten.

Wow, I find myself defending the Crusades a lot here. Do you know why the Crusades were started, to start off?

Most of Islam deserves it because the basis for jihad is in their faith :p
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Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 11:27 am
don't care why they started who won or anything like that if you are a christian then "thou shal not kill" dosent get any more obvious than that. Killing anyone in the name of any god is an oxymoron.
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Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 03:04 pm
LOL, so we just keep letting them steal our lands and kill our pilgrims?

He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.

Seems pretty pro-defense.

Killing anyone in the name of any god is an oxymoron.

Then how do Muslims get away with it? Not all Gods are peaceful by nature.
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I Understand
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 06:16 pm
All three of the major religions Judiasm, Christianity and Islam are successive. They worship the same PERSON. Seriously people need to do their research
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I Understand
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 06:19 pm
PS. Figures that Pinochet is from Texas. Ignorance is prevalent in that state.
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Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 06:25 pm
PS. Figures that Pinochet is from Texas. Ignorance is prevalent in that state.

Damn !! I guess my accomplishments in school were made by someone else since ignorance is prevalent in Texas !
Such a broad-brush statement from you only shows your own ignorance of real life , much less the intelligence quotient of Texans.
Shame on you !
And why don't our new members fill out the information in their profiles , so we can know where they are and a little about them? Especially if some of them infer that they are superior to the rest of us.
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Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 06:41 pm
"All three of the major religions Judiasm, Christianity and Islam are successive. They worship the same PERSON. Seriously people need to do their research"

Just what the heck does that mean? You obviously can't distinguish Christianity from either Judaism or Islam. And BTW, I suspect that wherever you're from sucks, hard, long and deep. I just get that feeling from you. Dunno why.
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I Understand
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 06:43 pm
Well look at the ignorant statements he is making. Looks more like a Christian extremist to me. Any type of extremism is intolerable. Maybe I was being a little bold when I said all Texans are ignorant. I apologize. I do support a presidential hopeful from TX by the name of Ron Paul.
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