this website gives great insight to Islam. the director grew up in Pakistan and will tell you all about the evils of todays Islam.
Center for Strategic Analysis
I have studied and practiced Islam for 30 years and will tell you that in the US we think Western. whereas in Islam there is a differnet mindset. religion and politics are one in Islam, Sharia Law is a way of life. Sharia is primitive and dictates things like stoning women to death for what we would consider here as minor crimes.
further, Sharia law is creeping into the US in instances like the muslim cabbies in the Minneapolis airport who refuse to transport passengers carrying (closed container) alcohol, since it is against their religion of Islam.
another incident is the flying Imams who prayed before a flight and were kicked off the plane because they were suspicious, they are trying to sue the airlines and the passengers that turned them in.
Islam is dangerous because Islamic Republics like Iran is threatening with nuclear weapons. and of course there is Al Qaeda which is Islamic and their cause is supported by most muslims.
the Palestinian issue is big. the occupation of Israel is against the Quran and Islam since the Oslo accord in 1948.
another important thing to know is that clerics make all the political decisions. that means that the government is run by religious leaders who use the Quran to make laws and enforce them.