Baptism: What's your take on it

Reply Wed 5 Dec, 2007 05:53 am
klyph;47374 wrote:
Wow, I'll never make those kind of decisions for my children. What a sad invasion of personal freedom. Talk about being brainwashed from an early age, wouldn't you want your children to discover the truth on their own?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 06:21 pm
Brian@764;47385 wrote:
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 06:54 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;47652 wrote:
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 07:07 pm
Brian@764;47660 wrote:

Basicly all that you have said is that all people sin, i don't see how that is supposed to further your point...:dunno:
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 07:39 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;47662 wrote:
Basicly all that you have said is that all people sin, i don't see how that is supposed to further your point...:dunno:

Perhaps one day you will.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 07:43 pm
Brian@764;47670 wrote:
Perhaps one day you will.

Don't try to BS me! You say that you can only be moral if you believe the bible and then you say that all people sin...so what you said would actually contradict your original statement!
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 08:16 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;47673 wrote:
Don't try to BS me! You say that you can only be moral if you believe the bible and then you say that all people sin...so what you said would actually contradict your original statement!

No, I did not say that you can only be moral if you believe the Bible; believing the Bible will never make one good no matter how often we might read it. I said God alone is the only one that is good. I also said that our goodness in comparison to God's is like filthy rags.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 05:08 pm
Brian@764;47691 wrote:
No, I did not say that you can only be moral if you believe the Bible; believing the Bible will never make one good no matter how often we might read it. I said God alone is the only one that is good. I also said that our goodness in comparison to God's is like filthy rags.

so then what advantage is there by indoctrinating your children with the bible?
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 05:44 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;47652 wrote:
"The Dalai Lama has said that compassion and affection are human values independent of religion: We need these human values. I call these secular ethics, secular beliefs. There’s no relationship with any particular religion. Even without religion, even as nonbelievers, we have the capacity to promote these things.

This notion may be supported by the traditional Christian concept of natural law. The Catholic Church teaches that human reason inclines people to seek the good and avoid sin, and that people would therefore still be prone to moral behavior even without knowledge of a revealed divine law."


And a perfect example of such is mentioned in the New Testament Scriptural writings of the apostle Paul in the book of Romans, as he indeed makes an "inspired" statement concerning those that are law unto themselves, "For when the Gentiles (anyone not of the Jewish faith), which have not the law (truth from God provided to man via scriptures), do by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law, are a law unto themselves; Which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearng witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another; In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my Gospel (Romans 2:14-16).

This simply means that man's morality is somewhat inherent in his birth, but in the end NO man shall escape the judgment of the words of Christ....due to the fact that "ALL" men sin and fall short of the glory of God, even if they live by the law of nature, for they do not even do that which is ingrained into their heart from birth, and the "only" salvation rests within the Grace offered by the Blood of the Christ, for all have come up short, when depending upon their own merit, as all have Sinned...regardless, if they live under the law or not, because Sin is "LAWLESSNESS"(1 John 3:4), and all men sin, even those that do so "NATURALLY" by the Laws provided by nature, which is WRITTEN on their hearts by God in Nature. God indeed has no respect of person. Anyone that does not believe nor accept the written law of God, or has never had the opportunity to find it, are equal to every other man on earth.....if they do not have the written law to be judged they will be judged by the natural law, and will be granted salvation thereof....if there has been no breaching thereof. But anyone must first consider the Biblical Fact as presented in the writings of the Holy Bible, that it has taken God himself to be made "flesh" and dwell among us (John1:14) to walk the Life of Humanity without committing the "first" sin. Therefore all any has to do is accomplish the same walk as Christ, walk without Sin, and salvation indeed is theirs, regardless of faith or the lack thereof. One more edit.......I hope everyone might enjoy their walk upon the face of this earth, and I hope with all my heart that none should be lost, but I shall not depend upon purchasing my eternal salvation in the hopes of walking a perfect life, when it has been done only one time in the entire history of the earth by man(Jesus Christ). Therefore instead of the hope of purchasing though the works of man, I shall accept that Gift which has already been bought and paid for on the sacrificial cross of the Christ in fulfilling all law...... in my stead. RD
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 05:56 pm
RED DEVIL;47820 wrote:
And a perfect example of such is mentioned in the New Testament Scriptural writings of the apostle Paul in the book of Romans, as he indeed makes an "inspired" statement concerning those that are law unto themselves, "For when the Gentiles (anyone not of the Jewish faith), which have not the law (truth from God provided to man via scriptures), do by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law, are a law unto themselves; Which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearng witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another; In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my Gospel (Romans 2:14-16).

This simply means that man's morality is somewhat inherent in his birth, but in the end NO man shall escape the judgment of the words of Christ....due to the fact that "ALL" men sin and fall short of the glory of God, even if they live by the law of nature, for they do not even do that which is ingrained into their heart from birth, and the "only" salvation rests within the Grace offered by the Blood of the Christ, for all have come up short, when depending upon their own merit, as all have Sinned...regardless, if they live under the law or not, because Sin is "LAWLESSNESS"(1 John 3:4), and all men sin, even those that do so "NATURALLY" by the Laws provided by nature, which is WRITTEN on their hearts by God in Nature. RD

Sorry i can't tell if your actually agreeing with me or not...
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 05:58 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;47815 wrote:
so then what advantage is there by indoctrinating your children with the bible?

It's a Christian parent's responsibility to teach their children the difference between right from wrong, and to let them know that it is wrong to do wrong and it's right to do what is right.

Why? So that they can grow to love God and see that God is good and that God want all people to love doing good. When parents teach their children from God's word, the Bible, they will see that God does not love them because they deserve it, (we all have sinned and deserve to die) but because God is love. The child will in time learn that God wants them to be like Him, and that He has made provision to make that possible by His Son Jesus, who did not sin, but gave His life for us, so that His righteousness can be imparted to us, if we believe Him and in Him.

If you believe that teaching ones child from the Bible is indoctrination, then what would you call a non believer teaching one's child their own values? Would not that also be called indoctrination? Or do you believe that indoctrination only involve religion?
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 06:04 pm
klyph;47374 wrote:
Wow, I'll never make those kind of decisions for my children. What a sad invasion of personal freedom. Talk about being brainwashed from an early age, wouldn't you want your children to discover the truth on their own?

A child left alone to make discoveries on his own is like a rudderless craft on the ocean in the midst of a raging storm. No, it's not an invasion of personal freedom to show adult guidance to a child, it's called parenting.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 06:10 pm
Brian@764;47823 wrote:
It's a Christian parent's responsibility to teach their children the difference between right from wrong, and to let them know that it is wrong to do wrong and it's right to do what is right.

that can be done without religion


Why? So that they can grow to love God and see that God is good and that God want all people to love doing good.

i'm talking about real-world advantages, loving god wount help you untill you die, assuming it's all true to begin with.


If you believe that teaching ones child from the Bible is indoctrination, then what would you call a non believer teaching one's child their own values? Would not that also be called indoctrination? Or do you believe that indoctrination only involve religion?

Don't make assumptions, I believe teaching your child atheism is just as bad as teaching them christanity, i'm all for letting them decide for themselves which will teach them to be more independent and open minded!
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 06:18 pm
Fatal, it does not sound as though you have children of your own. No successful parent would allow their children to make up their own minds about anything without proper training and experience. Wild animals learn from their parents how to survive, why should our children not be given the same leadership?
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 07:04 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;47827 wrote:
that can be done without religion

Well I'm not into religion; I'm speaking about God and His word. With out God how would one be sure of what is right from what is wrong? Most of our western values came from the influence of Christians. Jesus said that we (Christians) are the salt of the earth. What does salt have on food? It acts as a preserving agent, it brings out the flavor of foods. This is the effect that Christians have had on those they came into contact with.

Fatal_Freedoms;47827 wrote:
i'm talking about real-world advantages, loving god wount help you untill you die, assuming it's all true to begin with.

If one loves God, they will desire to and seek to do what is right in His eyes; which means that person will not lie, take from others what is not rightfully theirs. That person will love all people regardless of what or who they are. If he or she has a job, they will give their best, they will do what is expected of them and even a little more when it's needed. They will obey the laws of the land (as long as these laws do not violate God's will) and respect those that are in authority. In other words, that person will be the kind of person others would love to see in all people. The advantage is that that person would be bringing glory to God, because they would be seeing God in that individual, even if they don't recognize or believe in Him.

Fatal_Freedoms;47827 wrote:
Don't make assumptions, I believe teaching your child atheism is just as bad as teaching them christanity, i'm all for letting them decide for themselves which will teach them to be more independent and open minded!

Let me answer that by asking you this, should the air port not allow people who want to be pilot learn to fly a plane before he or she is qualified to fly their plane? Should they let that person get in the cockpit and just figure it out for them selves? Should that go for all occupations, the fire man, the police, teachers, taxi drivers construction workers for example? You cannot separate God from morality; if there is no God then each person or nation has the right to decide for it self what is right from what is wrong. Think about it a little, what if one person or nation decides that it’s right to invade another nation and take and kill for what it wants, even if his neighbor was at peace with him and others?

Think of the destruction, devastation and moral confusion this world would be in, had Christians not have had a positive effect on this world. In fact had not Christians not have had the effect on the world that it did mankind would have long ago destroyed itself, if God Himself didn’t do it first. In a world in which people do not believe in God, no two people would agree on what is right and what is wrong.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 08:15 pm
socalgolfguy;47828 wrote:
Fatal, it does not sound as though you have children of your own. No successful parent would allow their children to make up their own minds about anything without proper training and experience. Wild animals learn from their parents how to survive, why should our children not be given the same leadership?

yes usually i would agree with you, but religion is a preference, by that i mean someone is capable of living perfectly fine without it, just as you might allow a child to decide which juice they want to drink, i would allow the child to make up their mind about religion when they feel they are ready, and there is no disadvantage to not being brought up in a religious evoirment it will not affect them and they are may change their belief many times throughout their unbringing before finally settling on one belief when they are older,

i do not believe indoctrinating them is the right way to go, because essentially you are taking-away or hindering their ability to make up their own mind, and that is not right! If you instill that belief in their mind at a very early age they will be more more inclided to accept that belief be it a true or false belief.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 08:41 pm
Brian@764;47847 wrote:
Well I'm not into religion; I'm speaking about God and His word. With out God how would one be sure of what is right from what is wrong? Most of our western values came from the influence of Christians. Jesus said that we (Christians) are the salt of the earth. What does salt have on food? It acts as a preserving agent, it brings out the flavor of foods. This is the effect that Christians have had on those they came into contact with.

Where did you learn about jesus from? religion correct? Face the facts! Religion and belief in god is irreversibly intertwined. they would not exist without the other.


If one loves God, they will desire to and seek to do what is right in His eyes; which means that person will not lie, take from others what is not rightfully theirs...

In concept that may be true, but in reality belief in your book doesn't prevent people from lying or stealing.

The advantage is that that person would be bringing glory to God, because they would be seeing God in that individual, even if they don't recognize or believe in Him.

Just as i've said, there is no advantage to a religious upbringing.


Let me answer that by asking you this, should the air port not allow people who want to be pilot learn to fly a plane before he or she is qualified to fly their plane? Should they let that person get in the cockpit and just figure it out for them selves?

That is a false analogy! If the child chooses the wrong belief they are not going to die, nor is the decision permenant, a child may not even give deep thought to religion (or lack therof) untill they are much older, even then their mind may change many times before settling on one belief!

You cannot separate God from morality; if there is no God then each person or nation has the right to decide for it self what is right from what is wrong.

Am I not a moral person? It is easy to see even those who believe in god can be very immoral! The difference between right and wrong can be learned without god, if fear of eternal punishment is the only thing that prevents you from murder than you have more problems than I. Whether you recognize it or not right and wrong is based on what will benefit society and what won't, you can see this theme throughout the world proof by a similar set of morals from culture that have been completely isolated from each other.


Think about it a little, what if one person or nation decides that it’s right to invade another nation and take and kill for what it wants, even if his neighbor was at peace with him and others?

obviously belief in god didn't stop this christian-majority nation from starting illegitimate wars.


Think of the destruction, devastation and moral confusion this world would be in, had Christians not have had a positive effect on this world.

like? The crusades, the spanish conquest, Witch trials, Spanish inquisition, genocide of native americans, holocaust etc...

yeah those are some real positive affects, christanity has brought about as much progress and devastation to this world as any other religion!

In fact had not Christians not have has the effect on the world that it did; mankind would have long ago destroyed itself, if God Himself didn’t do it first.

can you prove this or is this major speculation on your part?

In a world in which people do not believe in God, no two people would agree on what is right and what is wrong.

looks like that is already happening and always has been, even with christanity!
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 08:44 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;47822 wrote:
Sorry i can't tell if your actually agreeing with me or not...

I am agreeing with the scriptures, as it describes that morality is not only found via the written law but also via the natural law. All man lives by law, whether its the written law in script or the unwritten law that man is born with written on his heart by God. Man does have a sense of morality that is inherently within regardless of his exposure to formal religion. RD
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 08:50 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;47880 wrote:
Where did you learn about jesus from? religion correct? Face the facts! Religion and belief in god is irreversibly intertwined. they would not exist without the other.

In concept that may be true, but in reality belief in your book doesn't prevent people from lying or stealing.

Just as i've said, there is no advantage to a religious upbringing.

That is a false analogy! If the child chooses the wrong belief they are not going to die, nor is the decision permenant, a child may not even give deep thought to religion (or lack therof) untill they are much older, even then their mind may change many times before settling on one belief!

Am I not a moral person? It is easy to see even those who believe in god can be very immoral! The difference between right and wrong can be learned without god, if fear of eternal punishment is the only thing that prevents you from murder than you have more problems than I. Whether you recognize it or not right and wrong is based on what will benefit society and what won't, you can see this theme throughout the world proof by a similar set of morals from culture that have been completely isolated from each other.

obviously belief in god didn't stop this christian-majority nation from starting illegitimate wars.

like? The crusades, the spanish conquest, Witch trials, Spanish inquisition, genocide of native americans, holocaust etc...

yeah those are some real positive affects, christanity has brought about as much progress and devastation to this world as any other religion!

can you prove this or is this major speculation on your part?

looks like that is already happening and always has been, even with christanity!

I am not here to convince you to believe something against what you already is convinced that what you believe is true....its up to you, take it or reject it; I can live with that.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 08:52 pm
RED DEVIL;47881 wrote:
I am agreeing with the scriptures, as it describes that morality is not only found via the written law but also via the natural law. All man lives by law, whether its the written law in script or the unwritten law that man is born with written on his heart by God. Man does have a sense of morality that is inherently within regardless of his exposure to formal religion. RD

ahhh, thats what i thought you were saying. :thumbup:
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