Brian@764;47847 wrote:Well I'm not into religion; I'm speaking about God and His word. With out God how would one be sure of what is right from what is wrong? Most of our western values came from the influence of Christians. Jesus said that we (Christians) are the salt of the earth. What does salt have on food? It acts as a preserving agent, it brings out the flavor of foods. This is the effect that Christians have had on those they came into contact with.
Where did you learn about jesus from? religion correct? Face the facts!
Religion and
belief in god is irreversibly intertwined. they would not exist without the other.
If one loves God, they will desire to and seek to do what is right in His eyes; which means that person will not lie, take from others what is not rightfully theirs...
In concept that may be true, but in reality belief in your book doesn't prevent people from lying or stealing.
Quote: The advantage is that that person would be bringing glory to God, because they would be seeing God in that individual, even if they don't recognize or believe in Him.
Just as i've said, there is no advantage to a religious upbringing.
Let me answer that by asking you this, should the air port not allow people who want to be pilot learn to fly a plane before he or she is qualified to fly their plane? Should they let that person get in the cockpit and just figure it out for them selves?
That is a false analogy! If the child chooses the wrong belief they are not going to die, nor is the decision permenant, a child may not even give deep thought to religion (or lack therof) untill they are much older, even then their mind may change many times before settling on one belief!
Quote: You cannot separate God from morality; if there is no God then each person or nation has the right to decide for it self what is right from what is wrong.
Am I not a moral person? It is easy to see even those who believe in god can be very immoral! The difference between right and wrong can be learned without god, if fear of eternal punishment is the only thing that prevents you from murder than you have more problems than I. Whether you recognize it or not right and wrong is based on what will benefit society and what won't, you can see this theme throughout the world proof by a similar set of morals from culture that have been completely isolated from each other.
Think about it a little, what if one person or nation decides that it’s right to invade another nation and take and kill for what it wants, even if his neighbor was at peace with him and others?
obviously belief in god didn't stop this christian-majority nation from starting illegitimate wars.
Think of the destruction, devastation and moral confusion this world would be in, had Christians not have had a positive effect on this world.
like? The crusades, the spanish conquest, Witch trials, Spanish inquisition, genocide of native americans, holocaust etc...
yeah those are some real positive affects, christanity has brought about as much progress and devastation to this world as any other religion!
Quote: In fact had not Christians not have has the effect on the world that it did; mankind would have long ago destroyed itself, if God Himself didn’t do it first.
can you prove this or is this major speculation on your part?
Quote:In a world in which people do not believe in God, no two people would agree on what is right and what is wrong.
looks like that is already happening and always has been, even with christanity!