When America, as a "free speech" society condemns satire, be careful. When we sometimes fail to see humor in the highly charged racism topics, we are taking ourselves too seriously.
However, the conflict comes from the students themselves, the student senators not the Administration. Perhaps, they should simply have a pro/con debate concerning the article on the campus with no threat of reprisal, just free opinions.
"400 year's of learning blacks denyed by the CHRIST FOLLOWINGAmerican government. Is it not fair to grant 400 year's free education to blacks?"
No it I do not believe it is. The 200+ year old American government was not solely responsible for educating "blacks" in our society. Nor were they wholly as a people denied education throughout all of America. If we touch on the issue of "black" American history, should we fail to mention American history through the eyes of the Native population.
I believe the instution of slavery - it's world and specific American history, socio-econ history, and how it shapes public opinion today in America should be taught in our school text books.
"The civil war was a fight for equality, which would be taken away if this happened."
I disagree.
I would argue the Lincoln Administration's primary goal at the outset of the Civil War was to reunite the nation.
As the war progressed, slavery and equal rights for "blacks" were claimed as the cause, both because it gave the North a rallying cry and I think, in Lincoln's view, was the "right" moral thing to do. And although the 1865 Northern victory in the American Civil War claimed to provide equal rights for said "blacks", amendments were needed in the 1960s to provide those rights.
But yes, equality should be given to student organizations especially as part of an American educational institution.
Free thinking organizations have been an integral part of American society. Those organizations, despite view, should be able to express their views provided it adheres to our civic laws. In my humble opinion, that is one aspect which makes my America great.