Thank you, osso ..
Yes, they're adapting well, considering that we've been here for little over a week! I now feel I can leave the house now & do some shopping, or go see friends without feeling terribly aanxious about them. (I'm that way inclined!

Last night I got home late after a pre-Christmas gathering, to discover that they were all happily asleep in their various new "possies" ... THEN at around 3 am I was awoken by a commotion out the back. Staggered out to discover all 3 firmly standing their ground against another (very tame looking) feline imposter who had dared to enter THEIR yard! I guess they're now at home here, yes?
Right now as I type this, I have a large critter parked determinably on my lap. He's heavy & unfortunately is in "farting mode" today ..