Thu 10 Oct, 2002 05:55 pm
1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211, 13112221, 1113213211, 31131211131221, 13211311123113112211, ?
I'm not supposed to have seen this! I am good at these but I can't see it right away, so I'm gonna keep pretending that I didn't see this.
No idea man What a
crazy sequence
Clue neither calculator nor computer will help you with this one. More clues forthcoming.
Correct! Danny told me the answer tonight BTW. About an hour before you answered it.
LOL It's a pattern thing! I was trying to do it mathmaticly for 3 days and then thought about dan-e's comment that a calculator or computer wouldn't help. So I started playing with the arrangement of the numbers in patterns. 2 hours later I figured it out.
Whoa! You are a lot more patient than I am! I only tried math, when he told me it wasn't math I decided to wait till he told me the answer.
I had an idea but now I realize that I was way off.
Good one Dan-E
Simple pattern match& replacement rule :
N - 1N
11 - 21
111 - 31
1111 - 41 etc.
222 - 31
(longest fit)
Nice !
Please can u explain that riddle a bit more clearer
The sequence is made up by describing the previous line.
ie 1 becomes 11, ie. One number 1
11 becomes 21, ie Two number 1s
Hope this explains it clearer for you.