Sat 22 Nov, 2003 10:54 am
please - I keep getting these kinds of things. I don't know whether I should debug or not..and if i am supposed to do i do that after clicking YES?? please help me someone.
dang..the photo didn't come out, so it's this:
a runtime error has occurred, do you wish to debug??? line 61 error object expected.
Hi Ony,
What program is returning the runtime errors? More than one program? Could ya help us out a bit by posting things like what version of Windows you're using, the version of the program giving you the error, and, if it's a browser you're talking about, what websites are returning the error.
One thing is for sure, you don't need to debug anything. That would only be useful for the author of the program or webpage that's returning the error. If it's an Internet browser you're talking about, the solution may entail just turning off error reporting.
windows 98 and it's IE 6.0 that's doing it.
Monger - dear heart - I've changed the error reporting options and thank you. Thank you so very much.