@Professor Chaos,
World famous scientist, G. G. Simpson stated, "It is inherent in any definition of science that statements that cannot be checked by observation are not about anything...or at the very best, they are not science" .Evolution is a guess, a speculation, an hypothesis, a theory, a faith. Curiously, evolutionists say intelligent design isn't "scientific" enough. Yet it's Darwinian evolution that has never advanced beyond unproven theory, because facts don't support it. If, as Charles Darwin claimed 145 years ago, all creatures evolved from lower life, the fossil record should be replete with remnants of billions of transitory life forms, such as the elusive "missing link" between humans and chimps. And not just that missing link. Billions of missing links necessarily must have existed for today's animals to have evolved if you accept evolutionary theory. Darwin knew his theory contradicted science. "I am quite conscious that my speculations run quite beyond the bounds of true science," he later wrote. Everywhere we find life, we find it came from life. .
and from a wesbite called wasdarwinright.com
Indeed, there are now many well qualified scientists and academics such as Professor Michael Behe (Biochemist and author of Darwin's Black Box), Michael Denton (molecular biologist, medical Doctor and author of Evolution: A Theory In Crisis), Professor Paul Back (Former Rhodes scholar and author of Darwinism and The Rise of Degenerate Science) and David Swift (author of Evolution Under the Microscope: A Scientific Critique of the Theory of Evolution) and many others who are writing quality scientific books that question the science behind the theory of evolution. Professor Michael Behe comments that there have always been since the time of Darwin, well informed and respected scientists who have found Darwinism to be inadequate (Darwin's Black Box, page 30) and Michael Denton also makes a similar comment in his book Evolution: A Theory In Crisis.