@Brent cv,
The Facts:
-The more we learn, the more we realize just how little we know.
-Most Religions explanation for creation was written at a time when science did not exist.
- Science has proven the earth is alot older then religion says it is.
- Dinosaurs did in fact exist, religions refuse to acknowledge them.
- There is more evidence (more being found every year) supporting the theory of evolution then any other theory yet proposed.
Intelligent design is a clever attempt by Christians to modify their creation theory, to better match undeniable scientific facts. As Science continues their research into evolution, I'm sure the theory will under go changes, but it will fundamentally remain the same. I'm afraid creationism will not be able to do the same.
How many God fearing christians believe the earth is only 6000 years old?
How many christians believe the Dinosaurs are made up?
How many christians believe that even though our DNA is 99.9% similar to some apes, we have no connection to them?
How many christians believe that the entire genetic make up of the human race, and all of its variations came from just two people (Adam and Eve)?